Basic Biblical Beliefs – God’s Plan For All Of His Children

Bible Audio Blog
      19980906 Basic Biblical Beliefs - God's Plan For All His Children - Rev. Tommy Jones


Have you ever heard anyone say that we are all God’s #children?  Well, the Bible reserves that term for those that believe in the Lord, #Jesus Christ, as their Savior.   God has some very personal and specific details He wants to bring about in your life.  But, there are some things common to all Believers that we know He wants for us.  How would you like the hotline number to the Creator and Ruler of the Universe?  Would you also like to reduce your desire to do bad things?  How about for other people to say that you stand out for the things you are doing?  What is God’s part in these changes and our part?  Do you want to get to heaven and be the runt of the litter?

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Christ Is The Answer – Remember What You Have

Bible Audio Blog
      20000430 Christ Is The Answer - Remember What You Have - Rev. Tommy Jones


#Christians have something #nobody can take away.  No #lockdown, #election, or new #law can pluck us from His hand.  God gives #grace and #peace to His believers.  What does that mean?  Is there anything else that comes from following Jesus?  Does everybody get the same gifts in the same amounts?  What is the relationship between gifts and spiritual maturity?  What does it mean to be in fellowship with Jesus Christ?  Is there a difference between imitation and participation?  Christians also have something to which they look forward.  

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Biblical Basis for Missions – The Magnet of Missions

Bible Audio Blog

#Magnetism is a mysterious force, both in #physics and interpersonal #relationships.  #Commitment draws us to others and the same is true in #missions.  Brother Tommy gives us several examples both in and out of the Bible of men drawn to missions like a magnet, even to the point of imprisonment.  What does it tell us about Paul’s values when we read about his desires and admonitions that he expressed to Timothy?  What did he tell Timothy about the resources available to him and us to increase the strength of our magnet?  Catch the Spirit.  Fan the flame.  Strengthen yourself.  Do you see the Christian life as a picnic or a battle field?  

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Edify One Another

Bible Audio Blog

      19831009pm Edify One Another - Rev. Tommy Jones


An #edifice is also known as a #building, and to edify is to build up.  What does it mean to build each other up?  As members of one body (the Body of Christ), why is it important to edify each other?  What happens if we don’t?  Can or should we try to go it alone?  Are any members more important than others?  When Brother Tommy speaks about the false fellowship offered by the local bar, think about how he would rephrase that today given our newest trend of social media.  What makes Christian fellowship better and deeper than anything the World has to offer?  What does the Holy Spirit have to do with this type of fellowship?

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Spiritual Fitness

Bible Audio Blog

      19830615 Spiritual Fitness - Rev. Tommy Jones


As the #weather begins to turn more #Spring like, we all look forward to getting outside and possibly getting fit.  But, what about our spiritual fitness?  D-A-I-L-Y is the way we can accomplish just that.  How many days a week do we eat or feed our body?  How does that relate to how often we should feast on the Word of God?  Is reading the Lord’s Word the most frequent thing we should be doing?  What about praying?  What are the keys to successful prayers?  What is our Christian responsibility to present Jesus Christ to others?  Can a Christian go it alone?  From where should a Christian’s direction or control come?

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