The Joy of Jesus – Serenity In Your Contemplation – Thoughtfully

Bible Audio Blog
      20060430 Joy Of Jesus - Serenity In Your Contemplation - Thoughtfully - Rev. Tommy Jones


#MentalHealth is a big topic these days from the candidates for the #Presidency all the way down to the individuals struggling with #uncertainty, #division, and downright #panic.  We know that Satan is the author of chaos and discontent.  But, what does the Bible say is the solution to elevating our thoughts?  Without first yielding your life to Jesus, this list will only provide temporary relief.  For instance, the very first exhortation to focus on what is true, is very hard if not impossible to discern without knowing Christ.  The same goes for the rest of this list of thoughts about what is honest, just, pure, lovely, and of good report.  It takes effort to focus on these things because the world is busy shoving the opposite at us.  

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The Joy of Jesus – Triumphant Suffering – As Exhorted – Regarding Life

Bible Audio Blog
      20050724 Triumphant Serving - As Exhorted - Regarding Life - Rev. Tommy Jones


The next time someone tells you #God wants you to be #healthy and #wealthy, ask yourself how health and wealthy were #Jesus Christ and His disciples?  Great sales pitch, right?  The Christian life is a struggle and the rewards do not get fully realized here and now.  The rights and privileges of wherever you live now cannot compare to what waits the Christian in Heaven.  How is your attitude and behavior?  Is it right and is it consistent?  Are we united with the rest of the Body of Christ?  Who or what are our adversaries as those who follow Christ?  What do attacks say about our status?  Can we ever see adversity as a privilege?  If I gave you a present, you would thank me.  Wouldn’t you?  God has given you some things that i know you haven’t thanked Him for yet.

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Results of Fasting

Bible Audio Blog
      19800206 ROR - As Helpful To Health - Practically - Results Of Fasting - Rev. Tommy Jones


When #fasting is done properly according to the Bible, what can you expect?  What is a supernatural fast and is that advisable today?  Should a fast include liquids?  How long can a person live without food?  Without water?  When is a normal fast indicated?  What are the physical benefits of a normal fast?  Is fasting a Christian invention?  Who should not fast?  What will you experience when you decide to fast?  At what point does the body start to burn its stores of fat?  Will you be hungry the whole time?  How should you end a fast?

Next week we will look at what the Bible says about the self versus what science purports.

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Timeless Truths

Bible Audio Blog
      19800116 ROR - As Helpful To Health - Nutritionally - Timeless Truths - Rev. Tommy Jones


Funny we should be going through this series about #science and #religion as social media is covered in #EarthDay tributes and #IStandWithScience marches.  Today we start talking about nutrition.  Why are we only recently hearing from the scientific community about the effects nutrition have on our well being?  Does ignoring a law keep it from affecting you?  What are some laws related to health found in the Bible?  Is every law of the Old Testament still in effect?  What is ceremonial law and how is it different from mosaic law?  How is the Bible being proved right, even today in the areas of sanitation, health, and eating?

Next week we will begin looking at what the Bible says about healthy eating tips.

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