Liberty In Law – Law of Legacy – Inhibition of Intensity

Bible Audio Blog
      20050424 Liberty In Law - Law Of Legacy - Veneration Of Veracity - Rev. Tommy Jones


What does it mean to #covet?  Why would this commandment be impossible to #legislate with #manmade laws?  God knows our human nature because He invented it.  How does covetousness inevitably lead to the breaking of other commandments?  Can we only covet material things?  Why do we want what others have to the point of not wanting them to have it?  What does the Bible show us is the curse of covetousness?  How can it be cured?  Should it be redirected?

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Edit – Corrected the title 6/6/2022

Christmas Wonder

Bible Audio Blog
      20001126 Christmas Wonder - Rev. Tommy Jones


Why did most of the world not recognize the #Messiah, the #Savior when He came to #Earth?  When you don’t read #God’s #Word to find out what He says about Himself, you can miss the #truth.  The world needs now as then a Comforter and a solution to the problem of sin.  How did God supernaturally reveal and simultaneously protect His Son?  Is there a special light that still guides us to Jesus Christ?  Given the dangerous journey that the wisemen undertook to find the Lord, shouldn’t we be more diligent to seek out and attend church?  What can we learn about worship from the example of the wisemen?  Was there significance in the gifts they brought?  Are there still any wise men and women out there?

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Christmas Meaning

Bible Audio Blog
      20001119 Christmas Meaning - Rev. Tommy Jones


As we begin the #Advent season, counting down the days until #Christmas, let’s take a closer look at the meaning behind this worldwide holiday.  Is it about presents or parties?  Well, without God’s gift of His Son to this world as payment for our wrongdoings none of this would be happening.  Brother Tommy uses Hebrews 2 to give us the full weight of the importance of this incredible event in history.  What can we learn about the God-man who came about this time of year?  Why was He born to die?  How did Jesus destroy the accuser?  How does He conquer the tempter?  What do we mean when we say that Christ has defeated sin?  Where does that leave us in regards to our relationship with God?  So who got delivered by this miraculous Christmas arrival?

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Christ Is The Answer – In Remembrance of Me, Drink This Cup

Bible Audio Blog
      20000625 Christ Is The Answer - In Remembrance Of Me, Drink This Cup - Rev. Tommy Jones


#Blood is essential to #life.  Why is it so important to #Christians?  How powerful is the blood of the perfect God/man?  What ritual from the Old Testament was perfectly completed in the shedding of the blood of Jesus Christ?  Did Jesus voluntarily shed His blood only for His disciples?  How does the blood of Jesus wash away sin?  

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Christ Is The Answer – The Glory Of The Shame

Bible Audio Blog
      20000528 Christ Is The Answer - The Glory Of The Shame - Rev. Tommy Jones


#Pride is celebrated today.  The #Bible says that pride goes before a fall.  #Jesus Christ came not as a rich educated ruler, but as a humble, poor migrant.  And yet, what the World finds shameful, the believer finds glorious.  Do the worldly wise look for the messiah?  What need do the rich or ruling class have for the savior?  It is not impossible, but Paul says that not many of them will be saved.  Did God have a reason to use a simple method of salvation to save the Chosen?  To whom does the glory belong?  

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Mosaics Of The Master – Christ The Security of Life – Demonstrated By A Sign- Storm Stilled

Bible Audio Blog
      20061001 Mosaics Of The Master - Christ The Security Of Life - Demonstrated By A Sign - Storm Stilled - Rev. Tommy Jones


The #political climate of this world could be described as #stormy.  How can we find #calm or stillness?  How does this story about the #disciples at sea resemble the life of a #Christian?  Why did Jesus leave behind the crowd that came to hear him?  Are Christians promised an easy life?  Why did Jesus go off on His own without the disciples?  When the storm hit the disciples, how does the book of Mark tell us that Jesus knew they were in trouble?  What was Christ’s answer to the disciples’ question about who was coming at them in the storm?  Jesus didn’t just calm the storm, He performed two other miracles that should give us greater hope for our situation.  

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Mosaics Of The Master – Christ The Satisfaction of Life – Delineated By A Saying – I Am The Bread

Bible Audio Blog
      20060917 Mosaics Of The Master - Christ The Satisfaction Of Life - Delineated By A Saying - I Am The Bread - Rev. Tommy Jones


Last week, we heard about #Jesus multiplying bread to #feed over five thousand #followers.  This week, we find out that Christ is the bread that satisfies eternally.  Do we have to buy or earn the bread?  How then do we internalize Christ?  What less than satisfactory alternatives do people try to fill their lives?  Is bread satisfying when promised in the future or do we need it daily right now?  If we ate as much or sadly as little as we read the Bible and pray, how healthy would we be?  

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Mosaics Of The Master – Christ The Secret of Life – Delineated By A Saying

Bible Audio Blog
      20060827 Mosaics Of The Master - Christ The Secret Of Life - Delineated By A S - Rev. Tommy Jones


What is the #secret to #life?  Well, part of it is understanding that life is eternal.  It goes on after we leave this earthly shell.  What did #Jesus Christ say about life beyond this short period on Earth?  How important is the Truth?  Did Jesus say that He was one of many ways to salvation?  Would you rather somebody tell you the way or show it to you?  A very popular saying these days is my truth, but only Christ could say that He is the truth.  What happens to anybody that tries to counter Jesus with their truth?  What are we promised about life if we have the Son?  Is it just for life after we leave this Earth or does it have impact on our day to day?

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