The Joy of Jesus – Triumphant Serving – As Experienced – Obediently

Bible Audio Blog
      20050821 Triumphant Serving - As Experienced - Obediently - Rev. Tommy Jones

#Trust and #obey for there’s no other way to be #happy in #Jesus.  That’s a line from an old hymn we used to sing all the time.  These days, we are being asked to obey a lot of sources, sometimes conflicting.  If you are in sync with God’s law , you will not be in conflict with man’s law except when those man made laws are immoral.  But, what does the Bible say about obedience?  Should we obey out of fear or love?  Which of these has a more consistent outcome?  Can it be both?  What does Paul mean when he tells the Philippians to ‘work out’ their salvation with fear and trembling?  Hint:  think miner.  Also, fear of what?

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The Joy of Jesus – Triumphant Suffering – Of An Internal Nature – Prayerfully

Bible Audio Blog
      20050703 Triumphant Suffering - Of An Internal Nature - Prayerfully - Rev. Tommy Jones


How should we #pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ #Jesus?  Paul tells us how he joyfully went before the #throne when he prayed for the church at Philippi.  But is this prayer only appropriate for this particular situation or can we apply it to our surroundings?  Are there different kinds of love?  What is agape love?  What is the connection between this type of love and knowledge?  Where does discernment come into play?  How does sincere love withstand the light of day?  How can we be filled with the fruits of righteousness?  From where does this fruit come and what is the result of our bearing this fruit?

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The Joy of Jesus – Triumphant Suffering – Of An Internal Nature – Emotionally

Bible Audio Blog
      20050626 Triumphant Suffering - Of An Internal Nature - Emotionally - Rev. Tommy Jones


#Emotional pleas and #arguments can be quite compelling, but absent #logic they can be misleading.  The Bible is full of truth and logic without ignoring the emotional component.  Where do feelings originate?  Here in Philippians, Paul speaks of feelings residing in the heart.  Is that hyperbole?  Maybe, but without the heart we cease to exist.  Was there any better compliment that he could have given them than to say that they were in his heart?  What connected Paul to the church at Philippi?  Does this tell us anything about the communion of Christian fellowship?  When, if ever is defense of the Gospel necessary?  How can we confirm the good news of Jesus Christ?  What proof or pledge does Paul offer to prove his sincere love for these people?  By what measurement does he compare his love?  How can we pour this kind of love into others?

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Biblical Basis for Missions – The Motive of Missions

Bible Audio Blog

What #motivates you in #life?  What should be our motive to be missionaries? Is the purpose of the Gospel to make us comfortable, or should it propel us to inform others?  At the core of Jesus’ sacrifice is love, God’s love for all of mankind.  Therefor, shouldn’t our motive to share the Gospel with those around us be love.  The word, love, gets thrown around a lot.  But, what kind of love should we have for our fellow man?  How much does the God of the Universe care about us?  In light of God’s sacrifice of His only Son, what can we do to show our allegiance?  Do you think the prodigal son felt loved when his father welcomed him back?  And what are the chances that same son told his friends and neighbors about his father’s love?

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Walk in Love

Bible Audio Blog

Last week, we learned how to #walk in the #light.  This week, we are learning to walk in #love.  When #Jesus was asked what the greatest #commandment is, His answer was about loving God and loving others.  Where does love originate?  How does it differ from our idea of love?  Does Godly love require reciprocity?  If we both go for a walk and travel the same distance, will we end up at the same place?  Only if we start on the same path from the same point.  What proof do we have of God’s love toward us before we even acknowledge Him?  How can we possibly emulate that toward others?  What are the benefits of getting this right?  Truly walking this way tells us what about our standing with God?  

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Walk in the Light

Bible Audio Blog

Numerous studies have shown that #walking is good for your #health.  How should a #Christian walk?  ‘In the light’ is the answer.  But what does that look like?  Does your walk match your talk?  Of course, we can’t live a perfect life like our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  So how do we get as close to that example as possible?  How can God command us to love one another?  Can we do that on our own?  Are love and light connected?  How does darkness blind people to their own hatred and prejudice?  Do you strike the right balance between challenging and encouraging others?  Why does the Bible tell us not to love the world and yet also says that God loved the world so much He gave His only Son?  What three categories of sin come with the love of the world?  How can we nurture a right relationship with the truth?

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Walking Before the Lord

Bible Audio Blog

#Walking implies an #origin and a #destination.  Is it important how we get there, what we do along the way?  Once you make the decision to follow Jesus, it very much matters how you are walking.  How do we walk in love?  What does the Bible say about our state of salvation if we do not love?  In a world of darkness, how can we light the way for ourselves and others?  Why is it important to walk wisely and what does it mean to redeem the time?  

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His Internal Ministry- The Pertinence of the Holy Spirit – Giving Worthy Gifts

Bible Audio Blog

Unlike the #fruit of the #Spirit, which all #Believers get in full, the #gifts of the Spirit are given individually to Believers at the Lord’s discretion.  What are the dangers of over or under emphasizing the gifts of the Holy Spirit?  What does the presence of the Holy Spirit indicate about the status of a Christian?  Does everyone who puts the Lord in charge of their life receive at least one of these worthy gifts?  Why does Paul say that he doesn’t want us to be ignorant about these things?  Who decides what gift we receive?  Who decides when and where it will be used?  And who gives that gift power?  Who receives a gift and who is supposed to benefit from it?  Estimates of the different gifts vary but, Brother Tommy believed there were twenty and he broke that down further into ten work gifts and ten word gifts which we will cover in the next two weeks (Lord willing).  How do these gifts compare to natural abilities?  Why should we not compare our gifts with those of others?  How can we discover our gift and increase it?  Why does the love chapter appear right in the middle of the discussion of gifts?

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