Basic Biblical Beliefs – The Person Of The Holy Spirit

Bible Audio Blog
      19980705 Basic Biblical Beliefs - The Person Of The Holy Spirit - Rev. Tommy Jones


The #HolySpirit is probably the least understood part of the triune Godhead.  The Bible teaches that the Holy Spirit has personhood, personality, intelligence, feelings, and will.  How else could he decide which gifts to give each Christ follower or to guide and comfort us when needed?  What kind of a relationship are we to have with the Holy Spirit?  Where did the term Holy Ghost originate?  How equal and eternal are the three persons of God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit?  Listen to all the passages where they act as one.  Does the Holy Spirit want more recognition or does He want you to find Jesus?

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Basic Biblical Beliefs – What Is Man?

Bible Audio Blog
      19980517 Basic Biblical Beliefs - What Is Man? - Rev. Tommy Jones


This is not about the difference between #man and #woman, which is clearly laid out in the Bible.  But rather, the bigger picture about what is #humanity?  #Humanism has risen up with an answer, but is it the right one?  We are made of dust, but is that all there is to us?  Once our physical elements have been formed what does God do to make us come alive?  Once body and God breathed spirit are combined, what unique third element is created?  Where do we place in the many creations of God?  In whose image were we created?  Since we are eternal beings should we not be more interested in where eternity will be spent?

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Liberty In Law – Law of Legacy – Salvation of Spirituality

Bible Audio Blog
      20050227 Liberty In Law - Law Of Legacy - Salvation Of Spirituality - Rev. Tommy Jones


How many of the #TenCommandments are about our relationship with #God?  What do the others have in common?  Last week, we took a little break for Easter.  This week, we look at commandment number two.  What shape is your idol?  We may scoff at ancient people who made miniature representations of mythical gods.  But is that the only way we misplace our worship?  Brother Tommy goes through quite a list of modern idols.  Ouch!  Anything that takes your time, attention, and/or honor from the Lord is an idol in your life.  When is tolerance a bad thing?  Are there temptations even in the church for misplaced worship?  When somebody says they don’t worship anything, are they wrong?  How can statues and shrines take away from the spiritual worship of God?  The Bible tells guys that God is jealous.  Isn’t jealousy bad?  How do our actions have generational consequences?  Our propensity to worship shows that we want a relationship with God and the Good News is that He sent His Son, Jesus to us providing a way.

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Christ Is The Answer – The Characteristics of The Resurrection

Bible Audio Blog
      20010415 Christ Is The Answer - The Characteristics Of The Resurrection - Rev. Tommy Jones


What will our #resurrection bodies be like?  Will they be similar to the ones we have now or will they be vastly different?  Will our resurrection bodies be recognizable for who we are?  What is meant by the term spiritual body?  And what can we extrapolate from Jesus Christ’s resurrected form?   Paul gives us a glimpse into these answers in First Corinthians.  How can we be assured to get a resurrected spiritual body?  

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Jesus Must Go To Come

Bible Audio Blog
      19870719 Jesus Must Go To Come - Rev. Tommy Jones


After #Jesus Christ triumphed over the grave, why did He leave?  What else needed to be done?  Did He leave us to fend for ourselves?  Who is the Comforter?  How does the Holy Spirit further God’s plan for us?  Where did Jesus go and will He return?

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#E.T., #spooks, #hauntings, #ghosts are all things many people find believable -yet in that darkness – they are still searching!  God’s word gives us clear verbage on His being, but He gives us the freedom to choose His truth or Satan’s lies.  “Now the LORD is that SPIRIT: and where the SPIRIT of the LORD is, there is LIBERTY” 2Cor.3:17  “But the hour comes and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in SPIRIT and in TRUTH:  for the Father seeks such to worship Him.  GOD IS SPIRIT: and they that worship Him must worship Him in SPIRIT and in TRUTH.”  John 4:23,24