Liberty In Law – Law of Legacy – Salvation of Spirituality

Bible Audio Blog
      20050227 Liberty In Law - Law Of Legacy - Salvation Of Spirituality - Rev. Tommy Jones


How many of the #TenCommandments are about our relationship with #God?  What do the others have in common?  Last week, we took a little break for Easter.  This week, we look at commandment number two.  What shape is your idol?  We may scoff at ancient people who made miniature representations of mythical gods.  But is that the only way we misplace our worship?  Brother Tommy goes through quite a list of modern idols.  Ouch!  Anything that takes your time, attention, and/or honor from the Lord is an idol in your life.  When is tolerance a bad thing?  Are there temptations even in the church for misplaced worship?  When somebody says they don’t worship anything, are they wrong?  How can statues and shrines take away from the spiritual worship of God?  The Bible tells guys that God is jealous.  Isn’t jealousy bad?  How do our actions have generational consequences?  Our propensity to worship shows that we want a relationship with God and the Good News is that He sent His Son, Jesus to us providing a way.

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Christ Is The Answer – The Wisdom Which Is Out of This World

Bible Audio Blog
      20000702 Christ Is The Answer - The Wisdom Which Is Out Of This World - Rev. Tommy Jones


Is there a difference between #knowledge and #wisdom?  Just look at the arguments over #facts vs. #feelings and #Fakenews.  How would you like to gain not only wisdom about what is going on in the world but also outside of it?  Is God surprised by anything that we do?  God has a plan that includes His Son, Jesus Christ and you.  Can we gain insight beyond the most knowledgable people on Earth through a right relationship with the Savior?  What mystery is revealed in Christ?  What part does the Holy Spirit play in revealing and disseminating this wisdom?  What is the purpose of offering us so much wisdom?

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Are you #confused by #contrasting #statements proclaiming #factual #data which is being #broadcast today?  We see or hear partial or twisted facts to suit the agenda which they promote.  Do you feel you are being manipulated?  At times like these, where do you turn ?  Where is truth?  I look to The LORD and HIS WORD for guidance.  Why?   Titus 1 saids, “There are many vain talkers and deceivers….do not give heed to those that turn from the truth.  There is hope of eternal life which GOD, WHO CANNOT LIE, PROMISED BEFORE THE WORLD BEGAN .  Hold fast to the faithful true word of GOD.”  So hold on to God’s Truth not twisted lies of satan during this two- faced dominating onslaught ! ….”We know the Son of God is come and has given us an understanding sooo We May Know Jesus Christ Who Is The True God and Eternal Life.” 1John 5:20

Mosaics Of The Master – Christ The Secret of Life – Delineated By A Saying

Bible Audio Blog
      20060827 Mosaics Of The Master - Christ The Secret Of Life - Delineated By A S - Rev. Tommy Jones


What is the #secret to #life?  Well, part of it is understanding that life is eternal.  It goes on after we leave this earthly shell.  What did #Jesus Christ say about life beyond this short period on Earth?  How important is the Truth?  Did Jesus say that He was one of many ways to salvation?  Would you rather somebody tell you the way or show it to you?  A very popular saying these days is my truth, but only Christ could say that He is the truth.  What happens to anybody that tries to counter Jesus with their truth?  What are we promised about life if we have the Son?  Is it just for life after we leave this Earth or does it have impact on our day to day?

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The Joy of Jesus – Serenity In Your Contemplation – Greeting By Provision – Grace

Bible Audio Blog
      20060723 Joy Of Jesus - Serenity In Your Contemplation - Greeting By Provision - Grace - Rev. Tommy Jones


I am the way, the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.  Who said that?  Was it #Mohammed, #Buddha,  #Krishna or #JesusChrist?  Jesus made that bold claim in John 14:6 and as God’s son he is able to back it up.  He is also uniquely qualified to work in our lives to bring us joy, real joy.  Paul closes his letter to the Christians at Philippi by wishing God’s grace upon them.  What is grace?  Can we earn it through good works or behavior?  What are the means of grace?  What are the types of grace?  Who is our source of God’s grace?  

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Walk in the Light

Bible Audio Blog

Numerous studies have shown that #walking is good for your #health.  How should a #Christian walk?  ‘In the light’ is the answer.  But what does that look like?  Does your walk match your talk?  Of course, we can’t live a perfect life like our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  So how do we get as close to that example as possible?  How can God command us to love one another?  Can we do that on our own?  Are love and light connected?  How does darkness blind people to their own hatred and prejudice?  Do you strike the right balance between challenging and encouraging others?  Why does the Bible tell us not to love the world and yet also says that God loved the world so much He gave His only Son?  What three categories of sin come with the love of the world?  How can we nurture a right relationship with the truth?

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Easter Journey Into Joy

Bible Audio Blog

I can’t even.  We have two more messages in the series we have been doing on the #devil.  But after the celebration I just attended for the #resurrection of my #Lord and #Savior #Jesus Christ, I had to share a message about Easter.  We serve a living God.  What do we know about Jesus and His activities after His death and resurrection?  Did Christ only appear to the 11 remaining disciples?  What can we relate to about these travelers Jesus appeared to on their journey to Emmaus?  Did they have faith?  How about hope?  Were they confronted with truth?  What did they mean when they said their hearts burned within them?  Did Jesus insist on going in their home or was he invited?  I encourage you to engage the Lord and Savior in conversation and invite Him into your life.

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Encourage One Another

Bible Audio Blog

      19831016am Encourage One Another - Rev. Tommy Jones


When was the last time someone #encouraged you?  I got some encouragement today from visitors to our connect group.  I was taken aback. Usually visitors sit back and soak everything in before they join, but this Christian couple took an opportunity when prompted by the Holy Spirit to give a lift to a fellow Christ follower.  Do we all need encouragement?  How about the unsaved?  How can this help our unbelief?  What form does Godly encouragement take?  What is the difference between God’s encouragement and the World’s?  When was the last time you encouraged someone else?

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