Evolution or Creation

Bible Audio Blog
      19791010 ROR - As Superior To Science - Identify The Issues - Evolution Or Creation - Rev. Tommy Jones


How can you scientifically #prove an unrepeatable event such as the #origin of the #Universe and #mankind itself?  Without scientific proof, it comes down to a matter of Faith on either side.  Is creation ongoing?  Are there boundaries to species and kinds?  Which lines up better with the laws of physics, evolution or creation?  What is theistic evolution?  What is progressive creation and the day/age theory?  What is the gap theory and how does it differ from scientific creation?

I find the Lord’s timing to be perfect.  Today my home church, #BiltmoreChurch, started a series of sermons on the Gospel According to Genesis which spoke directly to some of these same topics.  That message is available online as well.  Next week we look at cosmology.

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from Barbara's Bible

Why do you like #Facebook?  #Twitter?  Is it because you can share your thoughts, activities, and family photos with your #friends?  Does it make you feel good when others acknowledge your posts?   I can remember a time when friends and/or family would sit on the porch and “gossip”.   As a young child, I can recall my Granny coming for a visit and they would stay up talking past my bedtime.  However,  I could hear her giving my parents updates on all the family members and then go on to cover every persons status in their hometown.(that’s when I would fall asleep as I didn’t know any of them, but I do remember –they always asked if the town drunk was still sleeping at the bus terminal +praying for him)  Way back then there was no Facebook, but I had Granny!  Times change and my Granny and parents are deceased, but the One who watches over us all and acknowledges our very existence is very much ALIVE and listening.  We need to hear what the shipmaster said to Jonah, “O sleeper arise and call upon your GOD, so He will think upon us so we shall not perish”Jonah 1:6  Do you know the Living GOD cares about you & me and what we do?  Ps.140:15-17 “My substance was not hid from GOD.. how precious are GOD’S  THOUGHTS UNTO ME!  how great is the sum of them! more numerous than the sand even when I awake, I am still with GOD”  How many likes can you count?  Ph.4:8

Natural or Supernatural

Bible Audio Blog
      19790926 ROR - As Superior To Science - Identify The Issues - Natural Or Supernatural - Rev. Tommy Jones


What is a #miracle?  What happens when #science fails to explain what happened?  Did miracles really exist?  Do they still exist?  What is a closed Universe and how does it relate to the principle of uncertainty?  Can God, who created the Universe and its laws set aside or supersede one of those laws to fulfill His purposes?  What does Faith have to do with miracles and Science alike?  What does Brother Tommy mean by ‘miracles’ and are they occurring daily right now?  Next week we dig into Evolution or Creation.

For more information, click on the Gift link on the front Page of findbibletruth.com


“Well have you ever…had a #car break down?….had your #house broken-in and trashed?….had on-going #mischiefs around you?”   Today  if you watch the news you see people in turmoil, and I see my neighbors and even my own family plagued with events beyond our control.  “Who you gonna call?”  You may have had a similar experience of calling many professionals in their fields that have no interest in your restoration or they make appointments but never show up !  Ps.142:1″O LORD I CALL UPON THEE; hasten to me!  Give ear to my voice when I call!”   Dah.. start putting first things first.  This time I check the meaning of the word maintain‘ which is-to continue to hold in the hand…to persevere in…to carry on..to support…to sustain…to uphold…to defend.  I go to God’s Word first…Psalm 140 “12.I know that the LORD WILL MAINTAIN (hold in His hand) the CAUSE OF THE AFFLICTED..   1.Deliver me, O LORD from the evil man..4.Keep me from the hands of the wicked..141:8,10.Let the wicked fall into their own nets. -I take refuge in the LORD..140:6. I said unto the LORD, THOU ARE MY GOD;  hear the voice of my supplication, O GOD, the LORD, the strength of my salvation.”  This is on whom I have and will call for HE hears me and maintains my existence !  I’m not whistling in the dark. (I cannot even whistle!)

Problem or Profit

Bible Audio Blog
      19790912 ROR - As Superior To Science - Identify The Issues - Problem Or Profit - Rev. Tommy Jones


With #Science and #Faith, it is not an either/or situation.  But one does go further than the other in explaining the world around us.  What does today’s lesson refer to when it says problem or profit?  Brother Tommy is referring to the Bible, God’s Word.  If we had perfect knowledge would there be any conflict with the Bible?  What are some of the mistakes we make that lead us to have a problem understanding God’s Word?  Stay tuned next week for a discussion of miracles.

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