Describing the Defeated

Bible Audio Blog

Does #God ever #discipline the #ungodly?  How about His own?  What happens when we rebel against God?  What happens when we go to church but don’t live by God’s word?  Trying to live the Christian life in our own power is the definition of defeated.  What are the evidences that a Christian is living outside of God’s will?  Is there a warning against taking it easy or trimming away parts of the Bible to suit our desires?  How can we forget what God is like and expect not to be defeated?  Many of the actions God took against His people could have been attributed to the Devil, but the Lord actually did them to bring them back to Himself.  So, the next time you are going through trouble, ask yourself, ‘Is this the Devil trying to bring me down or the Lord trying to get my attention?’

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from Barbara's Bible

What #heals you when you are #sick? Do you run to the #medicine cabinet to grab an aspirin or drive to the nearest urgent care center? You may even have your #doctor on speed dial. News informs all of us about the latest outbreak of diseases and reminds everyone to get flu shots and vaccines. I seem to observe more sicknesses, disabilities , and addictions with every passing year. I ask, “Is a pill or shot healing or killing?” I know that is a two edged sword. I am thankful for the Indian medicine man finding the source for aspirin as well as the many cures made possible through research; however, be aware of side effects. I am privileged to know the Great Physician who truly heals. Read Luke 5:31 where Jesus said,“They that are healthy do not need a physician; but they that are sick” How long has it been since you consulted with Him or read His Word? “Jesus went about all Galilee teaching…., preaching…., and HEALING ALL MANNER OF SICKNESS and all manner of DISEASE among the people. They brought unto Him all sick people with various diseases having palsy, and even those who were possessed with demons and insane, and JESUS HEALED THEM”Matt.4:23,24 In your distress have you called on the Lord, Jesus Christ? “Jesus said, ‘I WILL COME AND HEAL” Matt.8:7 Jesus said, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent me, THE LIVING GOD TO HEAL the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering sight to the blind to set at liberty those who are bruised.” Luke 4:18 After reading what Jesus said, would you like to join Jeremiah in saying….“Heal me, O Lord and I shall be healed, save me, and I shall be saved for thou art my praise.” Jer.17:14

Walk in Love

Bible Audio Blog

Last week, we learned how to #walk in the #light.  This week, we are learning to walk in #love.  When #Jesus was asked what the greatest #commandment is, His answer was about loving God and loving others.  Where does love originate?  How does it differ from our idea of love?  Does Godly love require reciprocity?  If we both go for a walk and travel the same distance, will we end up at the same place?  Only if we start on the same path from the same point.  What proof do we have of God’s love toward us before we even acknowledge Him?  How can we possibly emulate that toward others?  What are the benefits of getting this right?  Truly walking this way tells us what about our standing with God?  

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from Barbara's Bible

From whom are you receiving #direct instruction? Do you want to follow in the steps of the #achiever, the #athlete, the movie #star, the #physician, the #intellect, the #media/internet or whoever? I am observing many individuals stumbling in their path of living as they try to dull their senses with mind altering substances. All the while they are convinced that they will live life on their terms and direction. I see people falling out of reality and down the rabbit hole. They just do not want to acknowledge that the LIVING GOD DIRECTS. The Bible tells us so! Ps.119:15,“I will meditate on Thy teachings and have respect for Thy ways.” 37″Turn my eyes away from watching vanity and revive me in the LORD’S way” Time to turn our eyes upon Jesus and follow His instructions. Where do your eyes gaze? “Blessed are the undefiled in the way and who walk in the law of the LORD.”Ps 110:1 Airports have control towers from which an operator directs pilots on their landings (touch downs) and departures (take offs). God has His Heavenly view of all our goings and comings. “GOD DIRECTS BY HIS VOICE FROM HEAVEN…UNTO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH” Job 37:3 Are we listening? Proverbs 16:9 “A man’s heart devises his way: but the LORD DIRECTS HIS STEPS” Will you follow? ***

Walk in the Light

Bible Audio Blog

Numerous studies have shown that #walking is good for your #health.  How should a #Christian walk?  ‘In the light’ is the answer.  But what does that look like?  Does your walk match your talk?  Of course, we can’t live a perfect life like our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  So how do we get as close to that example as possible?  How can God command us to love one another?  Can we do that on our own?  Are love and light connected?  How does darkness blind people to their own hatred and prejudice?  Do you strike the right balance between challenging and encouraging others?  Why does the Bible tell us not to love the world and yet also says that God loved the world so much He gave His only Son?  What three categories of sin come with the love of the world?  How can we nurture a right relationship with the truth?

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