Morgan’s Testimony


The word #FAITHFUL is defined in Webster’s dictionary as “firm in adherence to promises and true in affection or allegiance being worthy of trust.” That sounds like what todays society would desire from others, but hard to adhere to on their behalf. GOD does not change His word to suit the flavor of the day. He is true to His Word. “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever and He said, ‘I will never leave you or forsake you.” Hebrews13:5,8 Now you may have a dog that almost fits that picture of faithfulness; however, people seldom do. Do you need a listening ear or a call today? “FAITHFUL IS THE LORD JESUS CHRIST THAT CALLS YOU AND HE WILL DO IT” 1Thess.5:24 Will you answer? “THE LORD IS FAITHFUL HE WILL STRENGTHEN YOU AND KEEP YOU FROM EVIL” 11Thess.3:3 In Deuteronomy 7:9 “Know that the LORD GOD, HE IS GOD, THE FAITHFUL GOD who keeps covenant and mercy with them that love Him and keep His commandments to a thousand generations” God preserves….“O love the LORD..for the LORD preserves the faithful be of good cheer for He will strengthen your heart – all who hope in Him” Ps.31:23,24 Are you listening to God’s Word? “GOD IS FAITHFUL, YOU ARE CALLED UNTO THE FELLOWSHIP OF HIS SON JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD” 1Corth 1:9 He has your # will you answer?

Biblical Basis for Missions – Old Testament Subjects

Bible Audio Blog

What do we mean by #missions?  It is simply sharing the #gospel or #goodnews with others.  It could be your immediate #neighbor or someone living far from your home.  But it is all missions.  If missions is about sharing the good news of Jesus Christ, what does the old testament have to do with this activity?  In the same way that you cannot have the new testament without the old, the ground work for missions is laid down in the old testament.  God created the whole world, so doesn’t that mean that the whole world needs His Son?  In Genesis, we see man’s fall.  So doesn’t that mean we all need a Savior?  Do sinners seek God or does God seek them?  As early as Genesis 3:15, we see the plan for reconciling sinful man back to God.  What can we learn about missionaries from Noah, from Abraham, and even the Israelites?

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Whose #lead do you follow? Everyone brags about having so many #followers on #line, but I never hear how many that they follow. Personally, I have needed a guide to follow throughout my journey of life. I have had cross roads, steep hills, bumpy paths, high waters, and dead ends on my travels where guidance is necessary. Thankfully I have known the guide who knows the right path from beginning to the end. “God is forever and ever: GOD WILL BE OUR GUIDE EVEN UNTO DEATH” PS.48:14 Will you listen to your guide and follow His lead?.. “LORD SAID, ‘I AMTHE LORD THY GOD WHO LEADS YOU BY THE WAY THAT YOU SHOULD GO.” Isaiah48:17 “The LORD LEADS ME BESIDE STILL WATERS..HE LEADS ME IN PATHS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS FOR HIS NAME’S SAKE” PS.23 “O LORD…LEAD ME AND GUIDE ME pull me out of the NET that they have delivered privately for me: for Thou are my strength.”Ps.31:3,4 Who or what are you following on the net? “Search me O GOD, know my heart try me, and know my thoughts. See if there be any wicked way in me, and LEAD ME IN THE WAY EVERLASTING.” Ps.139:23,24 God leads, but will you follow?