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I had an uncle who could not pass a mirror without stopping to smile/adjust his hair and admire himself!  In this day and time I can only imagine all the #SELFIES which he would post.  What does the #Bible say about all this self adulation?  Prov. 1:22 “How long, you simple ones will you love simplicity?  scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge?”  Prov. 18:2 “A fool has no delight in understanding, but that his heart may discover itself”  Ever heard it said, ‘It’s all about #ME’?  Eccles. 5:4 “the LORD takes no DELIGHT in fools”  Prov. 2:6,10,11 “the LORD gives wisdom; when wisdom enters your heart, and knowledge it is pleasant unto your soul; discretion shall preserve you, understanding shall keep you”  Micah 7:18  “Who is a GOD like Thee, who pardons iniquity and passes over the rebellious act of the remnant of His heritage?  He does not retain His anger forever, because GOD DELIGHTS in UNCHANGING LOVE.”