How long has it been since you have heard “Thank you” in #public?  Do you text thank you audibly?  Communication seems to be silent in our hurry up generation.  Many can place very personal comments on line, yet cannot say thank you aloud in front of others.  #Jesus gave us the perfect example of audible THANKS before five thousand hungry people.  JESUS took the lad’s five barley loaves and two small fishes, and when HE GAVE THANKS  his disciples distributed food to all. (as recorded in John 6)  I have read and heard this miracle since childhood, but it was always about feeding thousands from food in child’s basket.  Today, I am looking from a new perspective of thankfulness.  Our JESUS is humbling himself before others to first THANK HIS HEAVENLY FATHER for FOOD.   This Thanksgiving I want to THANK THE LORD FOR HIS GOODNESS AND MERCY and read Psalm 136 before we  participate in a wonderful family meal.  GIVE THANKS   How long has it been since our heavenly Father has heard “thank you” from YOU?

Prayer Partnership

      19820124 Prayer Partnership - Rev. Tommy Jones

What is the greatest tool the #Church has to counter the weapons the #Devil has to throw against it?  The #partnership of the people in #prayer.  What effect can influential people have on these partnerships?  How about so-called insignificant people?  Are there any unimportant partners in prayer?  So, people are important.  But, to what purpose?  What kind of power can we expect when we gather together partners in prayer?  What chains can we break?  I have seen a church rally around a young man nearly killed in an accident and the sudden rally of recovery that came upon him.  Perhaps you too have seen what can happen when the Church comes together in a prayer partnership.

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#BREAD IS THE STAFF OF LIFE  is a saying which we all have heard.  As a child I thought hot bread topped with #butter was heavenly.  (I still do!)  With Thanksgiving just around the corner, my mind turns to food.  How about you?  The Bible speaks about hunger and how bread satisfies our emptiness.  John 6:32-35 “Jesus said, Moses gave you not that bread from heaven; but my Father gives you the true bread from heaven.  For the BREAD OF GOD is He which comes down from heaven, and gives life unto the world.  I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE;  he that comes to me shall never hunger; and he that believes on me shall never thirst.  v.47 Truly, truly, I say unto you, he that believes on Me has everlasting life.  v.48  I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE ”    

Lessons Learned On The Way Down

      19810719 Lessons Learned On The Way Down - Rev. Tommy Jones

#Motivational books tend to concentrate on success stories.  But a real #guide to this earthly existence, like the #Bible has to include both the ups and downs.  What can Jonah teach us about handling failure?  First, where is God?  Before we say that we would never run from God, think about times when we have behaved like God wasn’t there watching.  But isn’t it also helpful knowing that He will not leave us?  Second, how powerful is God?  Once again this can be scary when running from the Lord, but oh so comforting when we are lined up with God’s purpose.  But doing God’s will is supposed to be easy and profitable, right?  What is your personal Ninevah?  Third, what great lesson can we learn about God’s Love?  What is the difference between favored people and favorite people?

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“CONSIDER THE WORK OF GOD” Eccl:7:13  Do you #work?  The Bible clearly tells of God’s Works.  So why do we think work is punishment rather than an #opportunity to fulfill our unique design by realizing our potential being made manifest?  The question was asked of Jesus in John 6:28 “they said unto him, What shall we do, that we might WORK  the WORKS of GOD?  JESUS answered them, ‘This is the WORK of GOD, THAT YOU BELIEVE ON HIM WHOM HE HAS SENT”   God does plan His Work as we read in l John 3:8  “The SON OF GOD appeared for this purpose that He might destroy the WORKS  of the devil.”

Bringing America Back To God

      19850630pm Bringing America Back To God - Rev. Tommy Jones

On this #election day eve, here are some things to think about.  Whether we live in #America or anywhere in the world, we can make a difference with our commitment to God and a personal relationship with Him by accepting His son, Jesus Christ, as Lord and Savior and consequentially being filed with His Holy Spirit.  What are some of the behaviors preventing God from blessing us?  Once again, Brother Tommy finds parallels between our situation and that of the Israelites in the wilderness.  How do we know that God has a plan for us?  Has he protected us?  From where did this national threat really come?  What can we learn from the way the Israelites handled this threat to their nation?  Why is it dangerous for a good person to be a bad citizen?  Only one thing can repair any nation or people.  Do you know the answer?

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