Bear One Another’s Burdens

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      19831106pm Bear One Another's Burdens - Rev. Tommy Jones

Monday, July 18th 2011 @ 3:00 PM (not yet rated)

post viewed 801 times

Unlike the previous message to bear with each other’s differences or quirks, this command is to bear each other’s burdens caused by sin.  Because this is a difficult thing to do many Christians avoid or only partially fulfill this directive.  But as the Word tells us the penalty for not doing this is that we may also fall into temptation.  The purpose is to restore a Christian who has lapsed in their faith to the fellowship of believers.  As we wrap up this series, look up all the topics Brother Tommy covered here and you will see how all of these messages relate to building each other up in a church family.  Tommy used to say he looked forward to the day when it could no longer be said of the Christian community that they are the only army that eats it’s wounded.  So to that end, let us put into practice these steps to build each other up.