Catholicism Historical

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      19741104 Catholicism Historical - Rev. Tommy Jones

Monday, November 28th 2011 @ 1:26 PM (not yet rated)

post viewed 499 times

Catholicism part I.  Why is Catholicism included in this study of cults and isms?  How did it start?  How has it changed?  What do they officially believe?  How does it differ from what the Bible teaches?  Remember when you are listening to the statistics about this or any other group that these numbers are from 1974.  A few things have changed since then, like which group is growing the fastest, but the beliefs of these people and the need to love them and witness to them has not changed.  Listen to parts II and III for more information.  Also where Brother Tommy references a film or guest speaker in this series, I am sorry but I don’t have access and/or permission to share these with you.  But as you may have  noticed Tommy was very good at recapping prior lessons.