Cults and Isms

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      19740904 Cults and Isms - Rev. Tommy Jones

Monday, November 7th 2011 @ 12:48 PM

post viewed 385 times

Today we start a very important series of messages that Brother Tommy delivered from 1974 to 1975 on Cults and Isms.  These are groups that at the time were growing rapidly (and still are today) through some incorrect ideas about God and his plan of Salvation.  These messages are still relevant today to help us  understand them for our protection, mutual conversation, but mostly for  evangelizing them.  Throughout this set of lessons, Brother Tommy emphasizes the importance of loving the people involved in these groups and witnessing to them.  Bear covers the significant six:  Judaism, Catholicism, Seventh Day Adventism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormonism, and Christian Science. Then he will cover several others that were less prevalent at the time including Satanism, witchcraft, and Black Muslim.  Listen for the seven questions you can use to discover if the group in question is a cult.  How do they deceive their followers?  How do they attract followers?  WARNING:  This series contains stark truths about what others believe.  As always check everything you hear, including these teachings of Brother Tommy, with God’s Word, the Bible.  Lord, I pray that we can come to a better understanding of these people and what they believe.  Give us a love and desire for them to come to salvation the way you intended.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.