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“Well have you ever…had a #car break down?….had your #house broken-in and trashed?….had on-going #mischiefs around you?”   Today  if you watch the news you see people in turmoil, and I see my neighbors and even my own family plagued with events beyond our control.  “Who you gonna call?”  You may have had a similar experience of calling many professionals in their fields that have no interest in your restoration or they make appointments but never show up !  Ps.142:1″O LORD I CALL UPON THEE; hasten to me!  Give ear to my voice when I call!”   Dah.. start putting first things first.  This time I check the meaning of the word maintain‘ which is-to continue to hold in the hand…to persevere in…to carry support…to sustain…to uphold…to defend.  I go to God’s Word first…Psalm 140 “12.I know that the LORD WILL MAINTAIN (hold in His hand) the CAUSE OF THE AFFLICTED..   1.Deliver me, O LORD from the evil man..4.Keep me from the hands of the wicked..141:8,10.Let the wicked fall into their own nets. -I take refuge in the LORD..140:6. I said unto the LORD, THOU ARE MY GOD;  hear the voice of my supplication, O GOD, the LORD, the strength of my salvation.”  This is on whom I have and will call for HE hears me and maintains my existence !  I’m not whistling in the dark. (I cannot even whistle!)