Mormons Part I

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      19750219 Mormonism Historical - Rev. Tommy Jones

Monday, December 12th 2011 @ 1:44 PM

post viewed 546 times

About this series:  We are studying these groups to learn what they believe so that we can better dialogue with them about Jesus Christ and His Plan for Salvation.  God loves them just like He does us and wants them to experience Eternal Life with Him.  As we said before the reason we have categorized these groups into cults and isms is because they believe extra teachings above and beyond the Bible or they overemphasize certain passages.

Historical – Mormons or the Church of Jesus Christ the Latter Day Saints.  How did they get their start?  Who were their founders?  What did they believe?  What do they believe now?  What are their views on polygamy?  What do they believe about Baptism by proxy?  What are the different branches of this church?  Also this is only a two-parter because Brother Tommy had two guest speakers on this subject.