Scriptural References to the Church and Tribulation

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      19810204 Last Look at Chronology Tribulation and The Church - Rev. Tommy Jones

Tuesday, April 10th 2012 @ 12:00 AM (not yet rated)

post viewed 264 times

Today we go from the joyous topic of the Marriage of the Lamb to a discussion of a darker End Times topic.  Brother Tommy goes through the scriptural references to the Tribulation Period.  Will Believers be taken out of this world before during or after this terrible time?  Tommy believed and hoped it will be before the Tribulation.  But as he says here it does not matter what you believe about timing from your reading of the Bible as long as you have placed your Faith in Jesus Christ.  What is the purpose of the Tribulation?  Who are the 24 Elders and what do they do?