What brings pleasure to you?  Do you enjoy: controlling a robot, driving a new car, climbing a mountain, eating a fabulous meal, reading a good book, watching movies, playing games, being in a crowd, or just having solitude?   It seems to me that I am living in a pleasure seeking society that wants “anything” that will let them escape reality.   In Jonathan Cahn’s  –  The Book Of Mysteries , he writes in The Mind Binders  “since the head is what rules your life….The secret is to take the Word of God and bind it to your mind, to your thoughts, to your emotions, and to your will.”  Now what does that have to do with God’s good pleasure?  Have you ever even thought that God could have delight or is He always consumed with ruling, punishing, and controlling?  The Living God has infinite authority and enjoyment forever more.   Miracle of miracles,  He has pleasure in you and me and He is going to share His kingdom with us.  How do I know..the Bible tells me so!  Luke 12:23,31,32 “Life is more than food, and the body is more that not what you eat, drink nor be doubtful minded..but rather seek the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you..Fear not, …IT IS YOUR FATHER’S GOOD PLEASURE TO GIVE YOU THE KINGDOM.”   With our mind we make choices.  Choose Christ..”Let this MIND be in YOU which was also in CHRIST JESUS. that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.  FOR IT IS GOD WHO WORKS IN YOU BOTH TO WILL AND TO DO OF HIS GOOD PLEASURE.” Philippians 2  Are you bringing pleasure to GOD?