Today we are privileged to have access to so many #privileges that were seemingly unattainable earlier in my life.  When I was learning to #drive in the early 50’s in a wood-framed 40’s station wagon with a stick shift, no power steering, and a/c  was rolling down the window, I could not have foreseen the advancements made in technology.   At about the same time TV was becoming available for limited hours of the day, or you could observe a test pattern – (now replaced with nonsense)  When racial discrimination was observed then by many schools, I chose to attend Wayland Baptist College (now University) my freshman year and was privileged to share classes with the Ojos and Bamajokos from Nigeria who later became political leaders there.  I believe that the campus atmosphere and classes we attended showed us access to Bible Truth through example and teaching on our young impressional lives.   While completing my B.S. degree at Hardin Simmons University the space challenge was blasting off giving us access beyond the known.  I have seen many cultural changes, new inventions, and more access through computers than I could fathom in my lifetime.   With a new year upon us, what new challenge/opportunity will we have?   Actually you’ve heard it said, ‘What’s old is new again’  Ephesians 2:12-22 is a wonderful new beginning – “Remember when you were separated from Christ….excluded..having no hope and without GOD in the world, but now in Christ Jesus you ..have been brought near by the blood of Christ.  He Himself is our peace, who made both groups into one, and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall….to reconcile them both in one body to GOD through the Cross, by it having put to death the enmity .  He came and preached Peace to YOU who were far away and Peace to those who were near for through Him we both have OUR ACCESS in ONE SPIRIT TO THE FATHER.”