from Barbara's Bible

Can you #hear me now?  That is what others were asking me lately because the #flu settled in my #ear causing sound blockage!  I know my neighbors could hear my audio devices while I relied on texts and closed captioning to augment the sound barrier.  Communication is so vital and hearing is a blessing.  When I was a thirteen, I was talking to some schoolmates who would always start talking before I finished a sentence.  I finally ask them why they wouldn’t let me complete a thought.  One answered, “You have a slow southern drawl and I can’t wait on you”  You see I was from Texas and this was Denver, Colorado.  Think they wanted me to ‘Go tell it on the mountain.’   Accents, languages, dialects, attitudes, and even disabilities hinder our ability to communicate effectively many times; however, there is someone who breaks down all enclosures!  Who might that be?  Ps.34:15, 17 “The EARS OF THE LORD ARE OPEN TO THE CRY OF THE RIGHTEOUS AND HE HEARS AND DELIVERS THEM OUT OF ALL THEIR TROUBLE”  God will  listen even when you have a slow southern accent  like I still have or if you simply have trouble expressing yourself .   God actually wants to hear from us.  Our God is a gracious loving God.  How many people do you know that want to hear what you have to say whether it is complaining or praising?  Is.41:13,17 “For I the LORD thy GOD will hold your right hand, saying Fear not, I will help you…When the poor and needy seek water, and there is none, their tongue fails for thirst, I THE LORD WILL HEAR THEM, I THE GOD OF ISRAEL WILL NOT FORSAKE THEM”      GOD HEARS YOU