The Bible Is Full of Contradictions

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      19840812 The Bible Is Full of Contradictions - Rev. Tommy Jones

Monday, August 20th 2012 @ 1:05 PM (not yet rated)

post viewed 365 times

How can Brother Tommy say that the Bible is full of contradictions?  I thought he believed that the Bible was the true Word of God.  Oh wait, he means the Bible contradicts our normal nature and ways of thinking.  How does it contradict what we think about ourselves, Hell (and how we get there), Christ’s death on the cross, and even Heaven (and how we get there).  Those are the basics but how does it contradict what we have come to believe about living the Christian life?



Diane Chouinard

Full Access

DianeChouinard said on Wednesday, August 22nd 2012 @ 12:17 AM:

the bible means that god is talk to you and me and to help us listen to gods will