Unitarian Universalism

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      19750423 Unitarianism - Rev. Tommy Jones

Monday, January 2nd 2012 @ 12:54 PM (not yet rated)

post viewed 436 times

This week we continue Brother Tommy’s series on cults and isms with a look at the roots and theology of the Unitarian Universalist movement with the perspective of knowing what they believe in order to better communicate them God’s Love and plans for them.  Their philosophy can be summed up as ‘One god at the most.’  Where do they rank Reason and Faith.  What does this mean that they believe about the Trinity of God?  In response to this, the Nicene Creed was written (which was just recently revised by the Roman Catholic Church…see a few weeks ago for a summary of their beliefs).  Where does Humanism enter into the picture?  Where does Universalism come into the organization?  According to Wikipedia, “In several surveys,[3] Unitarian Universalists in the United States most often identified themselves as humanists, while smaller numbers identified themselves as earth-centered, agnostic, theistic, atheistic, Buddhist, Christian, or pagan.”  What do they believe about the Bible?  Listen around the 29 minute mark for what liberal Christians have in common with Unitarians.  About the 35 minute mark Brother Tommy discusses ways to reach out to Unitarians through love and discussion about God’s Plan of Salvation.