What Happens After Life? After Death?

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      19730624 After Life and After Death - Rev. Tommy Jones

Monday, February 13th 2012 @ 12:55 PM

post viewed 514 times

Time marches on.  Where are we all headed?  We live.  We die.  Then what?  What happens to the body, soul, and spirit?  Where does sin enter into this equation?  Is there any hope?  What happens between death and the Resurrection / Judgment?  What has happened to believers who have died?  What has happened to the righteous who died before Christ came and died for our sins?  Listen for the great story about a doctor who was asked what happens after death.  If this message doesn’t leave you excited about the possibilities after death, you need to check out the section on the homepage of findbibletruth.com titled ‘The Gift.’