Your Enemy the Devil

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      19861109 Your Enemy The Devil - Rev. Tommy Jones

Monday, April 16th 2012 @ 12:00 AM (not yet rated)

post viewed 497 times

Who is the Devil?  We don’t want to give him more attention than he deserves, but we do need to know who and what we are up against.  Where did Lucifer get his start?  Is there more than one devil?  How many names does he have?  How does he influence this world?  How does Satan accuse?  How does the Holy Spirit counter?  Is the Devil real?  To what areas does he have access?  What are his most popular disguises?  How powerful is he?  Does he have limitations?  How can we defeat him?  What will be his ultimate fate?  (For more on this check out the blog called ‘Answers About the Future.’)