Reflection and Response

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      19750806 Reflection and Response - Rev. Tommy Jones

Monday, January 23rd 2012 @ 2:50 PM

post viewed 422 times

Brother Tommy recaps what we have learned over the past several weeks by pointing out what makes these groups a cult or ism.  First he quotes King Solomon from Ecclesiastes 1:9 “There is nothing new under the sun.” Then he goes on to tell us why they are attractive and capitalize on lapses in Christian Churches and teachings called by one writer, ‘unpaid bills.’  What is the right approach to these groups?  Should they be left alone?  Should they be stopped?  Hear what Brother Tommy says about balance on this and other questions.  What part does Satan play in the forming and perpetuation of these groups?  Have you ever wondered how this approach works on Christians?  Around the 24 minute mark, Brother Tommy gives a good example of how he and I (about age 11) could have agreed with a television program from one of these groups if we had not known the origins.  So what do all cults and isms have in common?   Next week, because of the Mayan and Nostradamus controversies I want to start a series Brother Tommy did on ‘End Times.’