The Kingdom Which Is and Shall Be

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      19730610 The Kingdom Which Is and Shall Be - Rev. Tommy Jones

Monday, January 30th 2012 @ 1:16 PM

post viewed 576 times

Let me just say before we begin a series on End Times, that if it scares you to think about this you can have peace about it and your place in the End Times.  Those who receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior can be certain of where they will end up for eternity.
In this set of seven messages from 1973, Brother Tommy covers what to expect and look for as the world we know winds to a close.  As true as it was when he delivered these lessons it is even truer today.  Interestingly there is some room for debate in the study of End Times, but the overlying message is not up for  debate.  Time is short, pick a side.  What is the Kingdom of God?  What are we waiting for?  What is the Millennium?  What is Pre-millennial and Amillennial?  What part does the Church play?