Word of Contradiction

Bible Audio Blog
      19840129 Word Of Contradiction - Rev. Tommy Jones


Many say that the #Bible is full of #contradictions.  Well, it does contradict much of man’s thinking.  Speaking of contradiction, what was Judas thinking when he betrayed the Son of God after spending years with Him?  Were the other disciples right to ask, is it I?  Was Judas’ betrayal a surprise to Jesus?  Did Judas even have a choice in what he did?  What motivated Judas to betray the Lord?  What lessons can we take away from his experience?  How did Jesus respond to Judas, not just that day but throughput his discipleship, knowing full well what would happen eventually?  How much money did Judas receive and ironically from where did it come?

For more information, click on the Gift link on the front Page of findbibletruth.com

Kiss Of Death

Bible Audio Blog
      19860316pm Kiss of Death - Rev. Tommy Jones


What’s in a name?  How many people or places do you know named after #Judas?  That name has become synonymous with #betrayal and #hypocrisy.  What kind of person does what he did?  How was he perceived?  Who did he hang out with?  Why was everyone so surprised at his actions?  Was Jesus tricked?  What lessons can we learn form a deceiver in the midst of the disciples?  What is the warning for ‘religious’ people?  Did Judas have salvation and then lose it?  How can you be sure that you don’t get marked with the kiss of death?

To learn more,  click on the Gift link on the front Page of findbibletruth.com