“#Hurry, hurry, hurry!” seems to be the theme for our life today.  The holidays were filled with work and worry to get just the right gifts, decorations, and food to make things joyful.  Was it?  Or are you worn out before you even start on 2016?  Have you checked the weather report before dressing?  Did you answer that text?  What’s the latest news on the internet?  How’s everyone on Facebook?  You’re still on your first cup of coffee while stopping to pump gas before work?  Add to the to do list – make time for a tune-up!  Have to stop and get groceries after work and so the work goes on….meals, laundry, cleaning, yard, and bills – bills and more bills.  How’s that saving’s – investment plan working?  I see a society that is stressed yet constantly looking for escape to a more serene life.  The Lord gave us an example in Genesis 2 “On the seventh day GOD ended His work which He had made; and HE RESTED from all HIS WORK ..which GOD created and made.”  I have watched America change from observing Sunday as a day of rest and worship to a nation that never says CLOSED.  Everyone wants to win the jackpot from the lottery, but I want the sure thing that Jesus Christ spoke,COME UNTO ME ALL YOU THAT LABOR AND ARE HEAVY LADEN, AND I WILL GIVE YOU REST.  TAKE MY YOKE UPON YOU, AND LEARN OF ME; FOR I AM MEEK AND LOWLY IN HEART; AND YOU SHALL FIND REST UNTO YOUR SOULS”  Matthew 11:28,29