The Normal Christian Life Part 7

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      19720409 Normal Christian 7 - Rev. Tommy Jones

Monday, March 14th 2011 @ 1:54 PM (not yet rated)

post viewed 785 times

We enter the ‘Normal’ Christian life through surrender and ….. faith.  Last week we concentrated on surrender.  This week we learn about how to use our faith.  Claim it and receive it.  Listen for what Brother Tommy says about the difference between faith in Jesus and faith about Jesus.  He gives a great visual here when he talks about frozen lakes and faith.  When I heard the section on facts, faith, and feelings and the order in which God puts them, I was reminded of a conversation I had with my mother, Brother Tommy’s wife just last week.  We were discussing modern culture’s increasing reliance on feelings for every decision which is directly contrary to God’s desire for us.  What governs your life?

(Fellow geeks:  Listen near the end for a trivia question on electricity)