The Normal Christian Life Part 8

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      19720409 Normal Christian 8 - Rev. Tommy Jones

Monday, March 21st 2011 @ 1:52 PM (not yet rated)

post viewed 712 times

If you haven’t asked God’s forgiveness of your sins based on the sacrifice of His only son, Jesus Christ and asked Him to become your personal savior—back up.  This series is not yet for you.  I pray that you will look over this website and your bible and decide that you need forgiveness and salvation from this world.  For those that have asked Christ into their life, read on.

What is your greatest single problem in living the Christian Life?  Surprisingly we all have the same root problem.  In order to live the Christian life the way God designed it (in other words the Normal Christian Life) we have to surrender all.  Why can’t we just surrender the bad parts?  How do we do surrender?  How often?