Basic Biblical Beliefs – The Work Of The Spirit In Creation And Salvation

Bible Audio Blog
      19980712 Basic Biblical Beliefs - The Work Of The Spirit In Creation And Salvation - Rev. Tommy Jones


So, what do you do for a #living?  Shortly after finding out your name and #family members, I would probably ask about your #work.  Last week, we found out about the third person of the one true God, the Holy Spirit.  What does He do?  What part did He play in the creation of the world and not just the world, but your creation?  What would happen to this world without the Holy Spirit?  The biggest problem with this world is sin and man’s propensity to follow into it.  The Holy Spirit is the one who affects change in us.  Through conviction, what does He show us?  We all need this conviction, but it would be merely depressing without regeneration.  Who turns around and gives us comfort and growth?  How have believers been sealed for their earnest inheritance?

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Praise the Lord

Bible Audio Blog

#Complaints, #triggers, #fakenews – how do most people choose to express themselves these days?  What does the Bible say about how we should expend our mental energy?  Does God desire our praise?  Is there something built into the human heart that wants to praise?  Where should we offer up our praise to the Lord?  What are the things for which we should be grateful?  Obviously we are thankful for the good things in our life, but how about trials and troubles?  The Christian knows the bad times are temporary and opportunities to witness to others.  How is breath important to praise?  

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Holy Spirit as Wind

Bible Audio Blog

      19840318pm Holy Spirit As Wind - Rev. Tommy Jones


When is the #wind more than just an atmospheric disturbance?  #GentleBreeze to #Hurricane, there are many differences in the strength of gusts of air.  #Breath is another variation of wind, and yet God can be seen in all of these.  What does the Bible say about the breath of God?  What happened when Jesus breathed on the disciples?  What happened when the Holy Spirit was fully given at the Pentecost?  

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