Christ Is The Answer – How Are You Traveling?

Bible Audio Blog
      20000709 Christ Is The Answer - How Are You Traveling - Rev. Tommy Jones


It is #vacation time again.  Will you be #hiking, #driving, or maybe #flying?  Which road will you take to get there?  The Bible has a lot to say about our journey through this life.  It says there are two distinct paths.  One is wide and winding and the other is straight but narrow.  Are people aware of which path they are traveling?  Are you aware?  Let’s say you are on the right path, are you aware that there are different ways to travel this road?  In this passage, Paul is warning the Corinthians about carnal Christianity.  They are saved but not growing and not living up to their potential.  How can we move up in our Christian walk away from carnality toward Christ mindedness?

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His Internal Ministry – The Pertinence Of The Holy Spirit – Filling Followers

Bible Audio Blog

The whole world is #divided.  We see it all day every day at #work, at #school, and in the #news.  It is solidly divided between Believers and non-believers.  But, did you know that Christians are also divided between those that are filled with the Spirit and those who are not?  What is a carnal Christian and how can you avoid being one?  Is the Spirit filled Christian life just for a chosen few?  Why should we be filled?  How do we get filled?  What are some misconceptions that we have about the Holy Spirit?  How is the Spirit filling us similar but better than being intoxicated?  What are five results that every Believer can expect from being filled with the Holy Spirit?  Are you truly thirsty?  What is the difference between a vessel and a channel?  

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