Basic Biblical Beliefs – The Mystery Of God

Bible Audio Blog
      19980208 Basic Biblical Beliefs - The Mystery Of God - Rev. Tommy Jones


Why can we not see #God?  I have heard many people say they would believe in God if He would just show Himself.  What did God tell Moses when he asked something similar?  We cannot even understand all that we have seen of the creation much less the Creator.  Does the mystery of God make Him more or less worthy of worship?  Is it also a kindness that He doesn’t reveal all of Himself to us?  When you see a mystery are you drawn in or are you repelled?  God did give Moses a glimpse of Himself and later He showed Himself to all of us as well in the person of His Son, Jesus Christ.

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Christmas Wonder

Bible Audio Blog
      20001126 Christmas Wonder - Rev. Tommy Jones


Why did most of the world not recognize the #Messiah, the #Savior when He came to #Earth?  When you don’t read #God’s #Word to find out what He says about Himself, you can miss the #truth.  The world needs now as then a Comforter and a solution to the problem of sin.  How did God supernaturally reveal and simultaneously protect His Son?  Is there a special light that still guides us to Jesus Christ?  Given the dangerous journey that the wisemen undertook to find the Lord, shouldn’t we be more diligent to seek out and attend church?  What can we learn about worship from the example of the wisemen?  Was there significance in the gifts they brought?  Are there still any wise men and women out there?

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Christ Is The Answer – Realization In Worship

Bible Audio Blog
      20010128 Christ Is The Answer - Realization In Worship - Rev. Tommy Jones


Have you ever known somebody who was all #feet, or more #brawn than #brains?  We value #balance in individuals and the same goes for #Christ and His church.  Can you be a member of THE church without a personal relationship with Jesus?  When does the baptism of the Spirit occur?  Have you ever gotten a small cut or scrape on an out of the way body part and been shocked by how many times you feel it throughout the day?  There are no unimportant parts of the body and there are no unimportant roles in the church.  Is it easier to comfort or congratulate?  Paul gives a list of spiritual gifts to the Corinthians and rebalanced the weight and frequency of each one.

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Christ Is The Answer – Reverence In Worship

Bible Audio Blog
      20010107 Christ Is The Answer - Reverence In Worship - Rev. Tommy Jones


When Paul wrote Corinthians was he being a #mysogynist?  Do you think it was easier for the men to hear that they were to submit to #God in everything?  Consider the atmosphere in Corinth at the time.  How were the prostitutes recognized at that time?  Many people seize on the headship of man over woman in this passage but there are three headships mentioned here.  What happens to the image of God when we fail to recognize His headship?  Did Christ recognize God’s authority over Him even though He was part of the Trinity?  What is the difference between reverence and practice when it comes to this message of purity?  How are men cautioned about authority?  Reverential worship requires inward purity and outward modesty to participate.

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Christ Is The Answer – How Are You Traveling?

Bible Audio Blog
      20000709 Christ Is The Answer - How Are You Traveling - Rev. Tommy Jones


It is #vacation time again.  Will you be #hiking, #driving, or maybe #flying?  Which road will you take to get there?  The Bible has a lot to say about our journey through this life.  It says there are two distinct paths.  One is wide and winding and the other is straight but narrow.  Are people aware of which path they are traveling?  Are you aware?  Let’s say you are on the right path, are you aware that there are different ways to travel this road?  In this passage, Paul is warning the Corinthians about carnal Christianity.  They are saved but not growing and not living up to their potential.  How can we move up in our Christian walk away from carnality toward Christ mindedness?

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The Ministry of Christmas

Bible Audio Blog
      20071230 Analyzing The Annunciation - The Ministry Of Christmas - Rev. Tommy Jones


#Fear not.  The #Bible says that enough times that you could read it once a day for a year every where it occurs and just get through them all.  The #angel said it to Mary when he told her that she would bear the Savior, Jesus.  Can you imagine?  Your people have been waiting since the beginning for a messiah to save them and you have just been told that you are going to be a part of that story.  What kind of peace was given to Mary that is available to us?  Jesus Christ was fully God and fully man which was only possible through the virgin birth.  What do Mary’s reactions to this message show us about how we should react to God’s Word?  If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, what should we do with this information?  What does it mean to exalt the name of Jesus?  And how can we extend the fame of Jesus?

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The Message of Christmas

Bible Audio Blog
      20071125 The Message Of Christmas - Rev. Tommy Jones


This month, we are going to break from our series on Mosaics of the Master and focus on the message of #Christmas.  Everybody gets excited about Christmas this time of year, but if it is for the wrong reason there can be a big let down when it is all over.  Here, Brother Tommy focuses on the message given to Mary about the miraculous baby she is to birth.  Did Mary do anything special to be chosen to deliver the Savior of the World?  Are Christ followers saved by anything that they have done?  Have you ever received a gift greater than you deserved?  How does a perfect God reconcile sinful man?  What is grace?  How does it lead to peace with God and with others?

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The Joy of Jesus – Serenity In Your Contemplation – Greeting By Provision – Grace

Bible Audio Blog
      20060723 Joy Of Jesus - Serenity In Your Contemplation - Greeting By Provision - Grace - Rev. Tommy Jones


I am the way, the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.  Who said that?  Was it #Mohammed, #Buddha,  #Krishna or #JesusChrist?  Jesus made that bold claim in John 14:6 and as God’s son he is able to back it up.  He is also uniquely qualified to work in our lives to bring us joy, real joy.  Paul closes his letter to the Christians at Philippi by wishing God’s grace upon them.  What is grace?  Can we earn it through good works or behavior?  What are the means of grace?  What are the types of grace?  Who is our source of God’s grace?  

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