Healing Explained

Bible Audio Blog
      19800409 ROR - As Helpful To Health - Physically - Healing Explained - Rev. Tommy Jones


Sorry for the late posting, but this one disappeared:

For the next three weeks, Brother Tommy will be speaking abut #healing.  Why do Christ followers need healing, why do they even get sick?  Should we pray for healing?  What does it mean when that healing doesn’t come?  Is sickness a result of sin?  What did Job and Paul both recognize about sickness?  What does the Bible say about the use of medicine?  What does it say about rest?  Who is the Great Physician?  Did Jesus require a certain level of Faith before he healed people?  Where does healing come from?  Can the Devil heal?

Next week we will start looking at what the Bible says about healing expressed in the Bible.

For more information, click on the Gift link on the front Page of findbibletruth.com

Word of Conflict

Bible Audio Blog
      19840205 Word Of Conflict - Rev. Tommy Jones


There is much evidence of #Jesus’ divinity.  But he was human as well.  There is perhaps no better example of the #conflict this created than this passage of scripture.  With which of the disciples can you most relate?  What significance is there in the location where Jesus chose to pray?  How was Christ tempted in the Garden?  How was His prayer the perfect response?  What was about to be taken from Jesus that will never be taken from us?

For more information, click on the Gift link on the front Page of findbibletruth.com

Spiritual Fitness

Bible Audio Blog
      19830615 Spiritual Fitness - Rev. Tommy Jones


As the #weather begins to turn more #Spring like, we all look forward to getting outside and possibly getting fit.  But, what about our spiritual fitness?  D-A-I-L-Y is the way we can accomplish just that.  How many days a week do we eat or feed our body?  How does that relate to how often we should feast on the Word of God?  Is reading the Lord’s Word the most frequent thing we should be doing?  What about praying?  What are the keys to successful prayers?  What is our Christian responsibility to present Jesus Christ to others?  Can a Christian go it alone?  From where should a Christian’s direction or control come?

For more information, click on the Gift link on the front Page of findbibletruth.com