Basic Biblical Beliefs – He’s Got The Whole World In His Hand

Bible Audio Blog
      19980510 Basic Biblical Beliefs - He's Got The Whole World In His Hands - Rev. Tommy Jones


This truth that #God has the whole #world in His hands is more than just a song for #children.  Last week, we learned that God created the Universe but just as important, He sustains it.  If the Lord  didn’t maintain the Universe, it would fly apart.  The Bible tells us that He is responsible for our next breath.  What if God didn’t keep our climate in the narrow range of temperature we can withstand?  What does the term providence mean?  Why does God continue to uphold this world?  What are we to make of the natural disasters that befall us?  What is special providence?  

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Christ Is The Answer – The Discipline of Dedication

Bible Audio Blog
      20001029 Christ Is The Answer - The Discipline Of Dedication - Rev. Tommy Jones


What should a #Christian do about personal #behavior that they have #questions about but is not explicitly denounced in the #Bible?  Are we willing to set certain activities aside for the glory of God and the good of others?  God offers us guidance, deliverance, assurance, and sustenance.  How are these provisions meant to offset the temptations we face?  What examples can we see in the wandering Israelites that parallel the struggles we face?  What is the danger of believing that we are in good standing?  1 Corinthians 10:13 is the ultimate verse to help us with temptation.   

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Mosaics Of The Master – Christ The Security of Life – Delineated By A Saying – I Am The Good Shepherd

Bible Audio Blog
      20061008 Mosaics Of The Master - Christ The Security Of Life - Delieated By A Saying - I Am The Good Shepherd - Rev. Tommy Jones


Since #Jesus is the good #shepherd, what does that make us?  #Sheep, it makes us sheep.  That is a pejorative term these days used to imply blind #submission.  But, the true #relationship between sheep and shepherd is one of dependence for sustenance and security.  It also depends on the shepherd and his level of investment in the flock.  Are they his sheep or is he just looking after someone else’s?  How good of a shepherd is Jesus?  The Bible says a lot about how He feeds and protects us even to the point of dying to save us.  What is the shepherd’s staff used for?  How well can sheep see or hear?  Is our security better or worse because our shepherd died and rose again? Does the shepherd know our name?  How do we know and have faith in Him?  Does Christ ever lose sheep? 

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