Why We Never Get By With Sin

Bible Audio Blog

The #Bible says #obedience is better than #sacrifice.  And yet the #World says better to ask #forgiveness than #permission.  Once again, worldly wisdom is at odds with biblical teaching.  Many people never get the message of God, and their life suffers for it.  We are often told there is no black and white, only shades of grey.  That’s called moral relativism.  Who benefits if we never get this concept?  Here, Brother Tommy is telling us about a king who was supposed to destroy everything of the enemy in war, and yet the bleating of the sheep gave him away.  What gives our sins away?  What excuse did the king give for his disobedience?  Did it work?  Will it work for us today?  What part does conscience play?  How about scripture?  Is there consequence or judgment for disobedience?  The grace of Jesus Christ takes away one but not the other.  We will never get by with sin, but we can get rid of it.  

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How to Know the Will of God

Bible Audio Blog

      19880522 How To Know The Will Of God - Rev. Tommy Jones


Is it important for us to know God’s will?  Have you ever wondered #why you are here or if there is a #purpose to your life?  If you want to know why you were created, why not ask the Creator?  God promises success if we follow His plan for our life.  But, who defines what success looks like?  Does God lay out His plans for us all at once?  Is there any risk involved in turning control over to God?  What is our role in finding out God’s will?  When is the right time to start following it?  What must happen first?  What are the next steps for finding the will of God?  Will the will of God ever contradict the Word of God?  Do our feelings or common sense ever play a part in finding God’s will?  How about the advice of other Christ followers?  What part does peace play in this process?

For more information, click on the Gift link on the front page of findbibletruth.com