The Joy of Jesus – Available For Calculation – Matter of Profit and Loss – When Profit Becomes Loss

Bible Audio Blog
      20051009 Joy Of Jesus - Available For Calculation - Matter Of Profit & Loss - When Profit Becomes Loss - Rev. Tommy Jones


There is a lot of #profit that has become #loss lately with all of the #quarantine and #marketcrash going on right now due to #covid19.  Paul, in Philippians, encouraged us not to have confidence in the flesh.  Could that be a lesson God is teaching all of us right now?  Paul listed off all the things he counted on before coming to faith in Jesus Christ.  Why were they not enough?  Was it not sufficient to his salvation that he was born into the right family or that he was extremely religious?  What are you counting on instead of, or in addition to Jesus Christ to save your soul?  Is it money, status, reputation, or something else?  

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His Infernal Ministry – The Person Of The Unholy Spirit – His Nature And Names

Bible Audio Blog

This series on #Satan is not meant to glorify the #enemy, but rather to inform.  What can we learn about the nature of the #Devil by some of his names?  What can we derive from the title ‘prince of the power of the air’ and how can we combat that?  Who is the Prince of Heaven and how did He handle the prince of the Earth?  Does Satan have any influence over politics or religion?  Who does the Devil leave alone?  Rebel, tempter, and deceiver tell us what about his personage?  What can we be sure of when lying creeps into our personality?  How does he try to pervert everything good?  Has he ever created anything original?  Who destroys and kills?  Who is the one who shakes the nations?  Who goes about as a roaring lion seeking to destroy?  What are tools to defend ourselves?

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