Grace To Sustain

Bible Audio Blog
      19830821pm Grace To Sustain - Rev. Tommy Jones


Have you ever gotten in a #badmood because you were having a #badday?  Who hasn’t?  Today, I had to apologize to my grown children for my #attitude about the way things turned out.  I had planned a reunion to celebrate birthdays and I was being plagued with what appeared to be inconveniences.  In my lack of Faith, I forgot that God has it under control.  How much better would my witness have been if I had praised each setback as it occurred?  If only I had posted this blog about 24 hours earlier.  By Grace through Faith, we are saved.  But is that all that Grace does?  How is Grace given out?  How can it help us to avoid sin?  What about trouble?  Can Christians avoid trials and tribulations?  Is there a purpose for this?

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Results Of A Difficult Place

      19821010 Results Of A Difficult Place - Rev. Tommy Jones


Nobody wants to go through #hardtimes.  But, they come along anyway.  The question of why it happened may help you to keep it from happening again or it may be something that was out of your control.  So, instead of focusing on why for too long, concentrate instead on how you should handle this difficult situation.  Does God want you to be bitter?  Of course not, but how can we look for the blessings in our circumstances?  That is going to be difficult if you don’t have the Holy Spirit working in and through you because of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  How can this attitude of gratitude lead to opportunities?

To learn more,  click on the Gift link on the front Page of