Christ Is The Answer – The Eternity of Love

Bible Audio Blog
      20010225 Christ Is The Answer - The Eternity Of Love - Rev. Tommy Jones


A good #investment is one that lasts a long time, so a great investment must be one that lasts #forever.  We are talking today about the #love of #God.  He loves us so much He sent His only Son to be a sacrifice to allow us eternal life if we repent of our sins and give Him control of our life.  If love is a gift that is eternal, does that mean that some gifts are not?  What are some of the childish things we should put away?  What does Paul mean when he says that now we see through a glass dimly?  Do any graces besides love last forever?  Is any of these graces greater than love?  How do we achieve this kind of love for God and others?

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Christ Is The Answer – The Superiority of Love

Bible Audio Blog
      20010204 Christ Is The Answer - The Superiority Of Love - Rev. Tommy Jones


After celebrating the ultimate example of God’s #love last week, let’s get back to our series , Christ is the answer.  Can #faith and #hope be ours without love?  How does love relate to the other gifts of the Holy Spirit?  The greek language had several words for love.  In this passage from First Corinthians, what does the use of agape tell us?  To show the superiority of love, Paul lists where we would be in multiple facets of life without love.  I don’t know about you but if I am suspicious of the motive of a speaker or authority figure, i will not be persuaded to follow or act.  Is love a gift or a grace?  Without love what do we have?

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Christ Is The Answer – Remember What You Have

Bible Audio Blog
      20000430 Christ Is The Answer - Remember What You Have - Rev. Tommy Jones


#Christians have something #nobody can take away.  No #lockdown, #election, or new #law can pluck us from His hand.  God gives #grace and #peace to His believers.  What does that mean?  Is there anything else that comes from following Jesus?  Does everybody get the same gifts in the same amounts?  What is the relationship between gifts and spiritual maturity?  What does it mean to be in fellowship with Jesus Christ?  Is there a difference between imitation and participation?  Christians also have something to which they look forward.  

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The Message of Christmas

Bible Audio Blog
      20071125 The Message Of Christmas - Rev. Tommy Jones


This month, we are going to break from our series on Mosaics of the Master and focus on the message of #Christmas.  Everybody gets excited about Christmas this time of year, but if it is for the wrong reason there can be a big let down when it is all over.  Here, Brother Tommy focuses on the message given to Mary about the miraculous baby she is to birth.  Did Mary do anything special to be chosen to deliver the Savior of the World?  Are Christ followers saved by anything that they have done?  Have you ever received a gift greater than you deserved?  How does a perfect God reconcile sinful man?  What is grace?  How does it lead to peace with God and with others?

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The Joy of Jesus – Triumphant Suffering – Of An Internal Nature – Courteously

Bible Audio Blog
      20050605 Triumphant Suffering - Of An Internal Nature - Courteously - Rev. Tommy Jones


These days we are told that #suffering is to be avoided.  As if we needed to be told to avoid suffering.  Our human nature actually learns at a very young age which actions lead to pain and how to keep from getting hurt.  But, Paul showed us through his writings how to turn our problems into opportunities for triumphant joy.  What circumstance did Paul find himself in while writing to the church at Philippi?  Who was Timothy and why was he mentioned?  What is the significance of calling themselves servants?  Are there positives to being a bond slave to Jesus Christ?  What term did Paul use to describe the Christians at this church?  What is the importance of the qualifier ‘in Christ’?  Where was Philippi located and what was its strategic importance to the spreading of the Gospel?  How did Paul greet the diverse audience of this letter in an inclusive manner?  Why is the order of his words important?

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Serve One Another

Bible Audio Blog
      19831030pm Serve One Another - Rev. Tommy Jones


What is wrong with looking out for #1?  Where does serving #self first get us?  What does serving others have to do with #freedom in #Christ?  Does freedom in Christ mean freedom to sin?  What does freedom have to do with servitude?  What should this service look like and what should it not look like?  Listen to the list of things that happen when people live selfishly and ask yourself if you don’t see more of that every year?  Now, listen to the list of the Fruit of the Spirit and ask yourself if you have them?  These grow by following Jesus and serving others in love.

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Receive One Another

Bible Audio Blog
      19830918am Receive One Another - Rev. Tommy Jones


What brings people #together despite different #backgrounds, #politics, #races, or anything else?  It is the fellowship of Believers.  Does this mean excluding non-believers?  How are we to receive each other?  Is it based on who they are or what they can do?  We may not exclude the poor but, do we get just as excited to see them?  How about someone of another race?  How do we receive one another based on Grace?

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The Blood Atonement

Bible Audio Blog
      19880117 The Blood Atonement - Rev. Tommy Jones


Why do #Christian #churches preach and sing so much about #blood?  Because, the #Bible puts a great deal of emphasis on blood.  But why?  How are shadows similar to our understanding of God?  Is there a right way to worship?  If there is a right way, doesn’t that mean there is a wrong way?  What was wrong with Cain’s offering compared to Abel’s?  Blood offerings throughout the Old Testament are a foreshadowing of what event?

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