Liberty In Law – Law of Love

Bible Audio Blog
      20050522 Liberty In Law - Law Of Love - Rev. Tommy Jones


Oops, I made you wait long enough for the #GoodNews that #Jesus brought to us after we figured out we could not possibly keep the #Law.  If the Ten Commandments show us that we cannot measure up to God’s holy standard, how can we possibly hope to enter His presence much less have a relationship with Him?  What commandment did Jesus give us before He sacrificed Himself for us and defeated death through His resurrection?  Even back in 2005, Brother Tommy saw the rampant examples of the law of hate.  It is easy to hate or at least not to love each other.  How can we keep this new commandment?  God thought it, Jesus brought it, and the Holy Spirit wrought it.  How does loving God fully and our neighbor as ourself automatically keep the Ten Commandments?  

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Liberty In Law – Law of Legacy – Preservation of Priority

Bible Audio Blog
      20050220 Liberty In Law - Law Of Legacy - Preservation Of Priority - Rev. Tommy Jones


Far from being #outdated, the #10commandments are the underpinnings of current #society.  Eight of the ten commandments contain a negative statement about what not to do.  But, each one actually carries both a positive and a negative.  What is involved in having no other god before the one true God?  Have most atheists come to a well studied intellectual conclusion that there is no God or is there another reason why people embrace that mindset?  Is it only alternative religions that we are being warned about in this first commandment?   What, if any, is the difference between Lord and God?  How highly revered was the name Jehovah by the Jewish people and priests?  What can we learn from what God says about Himself?  What does the name Emmanuel tell us about His plan to save us from the law?  How did the plagues destroy the false gods of Egypt?  Are there parallels between us and the wandering Israelites?  Who or what do we worship before God today?  Are we serving self or God?

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