Basic Biblical Beliefs – The Work Of The Spirit In Service And The Church

Bible Audio Blog
      19980719 Basic Biblical Beliefs - The Work Of The Spirit In Service And The Church - Rev. Tommy Jones


At the moment you become a #Christian, the #HolySpirit comes to live inside you.  Now what?  Are we just meant to be saved and then put on a shelf for safekeeping?  No, we are to go out and be witnesses but we cannot do so under our own power.  How does the Holy Spirit qualify believers to do the work of God?  From where does the motivation to serve come?  On whose power does our service depend?  Who builds and upholds the church?  Why do Believers get different gift(s)?  How can we be filled with the Holy Spirit and how will that impact our worship?

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Liberty In Law – Law of Legacy – Salvation of Spirituality

Bible Audio Blog
      20050227 Liberty In Law - Law Of Legacy - Salvation Of Spirituality - Rev. Tommy Jones


How many of the #TenCommandments are about our relationship with #God?  What do the others have in common?  Last week, we took a little break for Easter.  This week, we look at commandment number two.  What shape is your idol?  We may scoff at ancient people who made miniature representations of mythical gods.  But is that the only way we misplace our worship?  Brother Tommy goes through quite a list of modern idols.  Ouch!  Anything that takes your time, attention, and/or honor from the Lord is an idol in your life.  When is tolerance a bad thing?  Are there temptations even in the church for misplaced worship?  When somebody says they don’t worship anything, are they wrong?  How can statues and shrines take away from the spiritual worship of God?  The Bible tells guys that God is jealous.  Isn’t jealousy bad?  How do our actions have generational consequences?  Our propensity to worship shows that we want a relationship with God and the Good News is that He sent His Son, Jesus to us providing a way.

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Liberty In Law – Law of Legacy – Preservation of Priority

Bible Audio Blog
      20050220 Liberty In Law - Law Of Legacy - Preservation Of Priority - Rev. Tommy Jones


Far from being #outdated, the #10commandments are the underpinnings of current #society.  Eight of the ten commandments contain a negative statement about what not to do.  But, each one actually carries both a positive and a negative.  What is involved in having no other god before the one true God?  Have most atheists come to a well studied intellectual conclusion that there is no God or is there another reason why people embrace that mindset?  Is it only alternative religions that we are being warned about in this first commandment?   What, if any, is the difference between Lord and God?  How highly revered was the name Jehovah by the Jewish people and priests?  What can we learn from what God says about Himself?  What does the name Emmanuel tell us about His plan to save us from the law?  How did the plagues destroy the false gods of Egypt?  Are there parallels between us and the wandering Israelites?  Who or what do we worship before God today?  Are we serving self or God?

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A Religion of Remnants

Bible Audio Blog
      20001112 A Religion Of Remnants - Rev. Tommy Jones


This week, we are going to look at our #worship.  Who do we worship? Is it worthy worship?  Do we worship #creation rather than the #creator?  The Bible says that where we spend our time and money that is where our heart lies.  When we do recognize God with our time and money, are we giving our best or the remnants?  What is the biblical principle of first fruits?  

We are taking a 6 week break from our Christ is the Answer series until the new year.  

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The Joy of Jesus – Available For Calculation – Matter of Risk and Reward – Avow the Reward

Bible Audio Blog
      2005100205 Joy Of Jesus - Available For Calculation - Matter Of Risk & Reward - Avow The Reward - Rev. Tommy Jones


Hopefully, you are not under #quarantine from the #CoronaVirus / #Covid19.  Whether you are now or you will be later, just know that the Joy of Jesus has nothing to do with your current circumstances and everything to do with trusting and obeying the Lord.  How can we avow or claim the reward of the joy of Jesus?  What did Paul have to say about people adding requirements to the Gospel?  Do we have an outward symbol today of the inward change that occurs when we give our life to Christ?  What does true worship look like?  Once you get the relationship and the worship right, the happiness or joy will come and it won’t be dependent on circumstances.  What does it mean to boast in Jesus and not in ourselves?  

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Christmas Light

Are You a Christian Mother?

Bible Audio Blog

      19820509 Are You A Christian Mother? - Rev. Tommy Jones


We are going to take a break this week from the One Another series (just one left) to recognize that Sunday is #Mother’sDay.  You’re welcome for the reminder.  Do you agree with the statement, ‘as the home goes, so goes Society”?  Who is at the center of the home?  What are some of the ways modern culture tries to cut away at the Biblical role of mothers?  What can men do to support the women in their life to be a Christian mother?  What does a Christian mother have to do with leading in worship, teaching the Word, and being an example of Grace?  How does the challenge of motherhood make it easier to undermine that role?  Who should support mothers?  What contribution can be made by mothers to the Kingdom of God?

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Heartless Hypocrisy

Bible Audio Blog

      19850317 Heartless Hypocrisy - Rev. Tommy Jones


#Hypocrites, very few things turn off an unbeliever faster from following #Jesus.  How does God feel about this attitude?  How does it keep us from true worship?  What are the signs of hypocrisy?  How can imperfect Christ followers avoid this misstep?  What devastating effect does hypocrisy have on the Christian life?

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Companion piece, Worthy Worship:


      19850324 Worthy Worship - Rev. Tommy Jones