Liberty In Law – Law of Love

Bible Audio Blog
      20050522 Liberty In Law - Law Of Love - Rev. Tommy Jones


Oops, I made you wait long enough for the #GoodNews that #Jesus brought to us after we figured out we could not possibly keep the #Law.  If the Ten Commandments show us that we cannot measure up to God’s holy standard, how can we possibly hope to enter His presence much less have a relationship with Him?  What commandment did Jesus give us before He sacrificed Himself for us and defeated death through His resurrection?  Even back in 2005, Brother Tommy saw the rampant examples of the law of hate.  It is easy to hate or at least not to love each other.  How can we keep this new commandment?  God thought it, Jesus brought it, and the Holy Spirit wrought it.  How does loving God fully and our neighbor as ourself automatically keep the Ten Commandments?  

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Mosaics Of The Master – Christ The Source of Life – Demonstrated By A Sign

Bible Audio Blog
      20060806 Mosaics Of The Master - Christ The Source Of Life - Demonstrated By A Sign - Rev. Tommy Jones


Did you know #Christ is not #Jesus’ last name?  It is his title and it means #Messiah and #Savior.  The first ‘I am’ that Jesus demonstrated was ‘I am the vine.’  He showed this with His first miracle at the wedding in Canaa.  Why would Mary ask her son to fix the problem that occurred?  Is there any importance that this happened at a wedding?  What is the significance of the elements of this miracle?  What happens to fruit that is not on the vine?  How did this miracle embody the Gospel principles of ’trust and obey?’  Why did they have big quantities of water sitting around?  What was said about the quality of the wine Jesus produced by this miracle?  Were Christ’s miracles tricks or did they have another purpose?  

As I sit here summarizing the message for you, I am bothered by a bird fighting his own reflection on my glass window.  It reminds me that the World right now is in turmoil.  I am made in God’s image and so is my neighbor.  When I fight with my neighbor, I am therefore fighting my own reflection.  The Devil wants us to believe our enemy is our neighbor, but we are actually in a spiritual battle.  The Bible says that we struggle not against flesh and blood but against powers and principalities.  

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The Joy of Jesus – Triumphant Suffering – Of An External Nature – Pointed Toward Proclamation

Bible Audio Blog
      20050710 Triumphant Suffering - Of An External Nature - Pointed Toward Proclamation - Rev. Tommy Jones


PSA – Don’t forget #Valentine’sDay is coming up to avoid unnecessary external suffering.  But seriously, why is there so much #suffering in this world?  If suffering is the result of a fallen world, why do Christians suffer?  How does Christian suffering help to spread the Gospel?  What’s wrong with the phrase, ‘under the circumstances’?  Did Paul’s jailing help or hinder the spread of the Gospel?  Where would we be without some of his jailhouse epistles?  How did he view his jailers, as oppressors or opportunities? Is courage contagious just like fear?  What did Paul say about preachers of his day that taught about Jesus plus something else?  Do we have people around us today like that?  How can we rejoice about suffering? 

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Biblical Basis for Missions – The Motive of Missions

Bible Audio Blog

What #motivates you in #life?  What should be our motive to be missionaries? Is the purpose of the Gospel to make us comfortable, or should it propel us to inform others?  At the core of Jesus’ sacrifice is love, God’s love for all of mankind.  Therefor, shouldn’t our motive to share the Gospel with those around us be love.  The word, love, gets thrown around a lot.  But, what kind of love should we have for our fellow man?  How much does the God of the Universe care about us?  In light of God’s sacrifice of His only Son, what can we do to show our allegiance?  Do you think the prodigal son felt loved when his father welcomed him back?  And what are the chances that same son told his friends and neighbors about his father’s love?

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Biblical Basis for Missions – New Testament Scriptures

Bible Audio Blog

Beyond the #Gospel, the first four books of the New Testament, which go through the account of Jesus’ birth, life, death, resurrection, and commission what else in the second half of the #Bible gives us reasons to spread the Good News?  What did we learn from the example of the disciples after Christ returned to Heaven?  When did the message of Salvation begin to be disseminated to people other than the Jews?  How can we apply the example and teachings of Paul to our own lives?  Are the rest of the New Testament scriptures missions minded, even Revelations?

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The Winning Witness’ Technique

Bible Audio Blog

      19801207 Winning Witnesses - The Witness' Technique - Rev. Tommy Jones


Okay, for the past several weeks we have been readying ourselves to share the #Gospel to our #friends and #neighbors.  But how?  Is there one way that is better than the others?  While the message should be consistent, can the approach be tailored?  What part of the witnessing technique always stays the same?  How should a Christian approach one who is unsaved?  Boldness should be balanced with what?  How important is it to be sociable?  What kind of analysis should we do when witnessing?  What kind of analysis should we avoid?  Are we not all in the same boat?  Who actually convicts a person of their sin?  What are 5 verses that can explain the unchangeable message that we should be sharing with others?  Is that it?  Or is there one more step?

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The Winning Witness’ Task

Bible Audio Blog

      19801005 Winning Witnesses - The Witnesses' Task - Rev. Tommy Jones


Do you have a #ToDoList?  Christians have one given to them by #Jesus Christ Himself.  We have been given a big task.  How can we complete it?  Where do we find the power to share the good news of the Gospel to anyone, anywhere, and at anytime?  What are some of the roadblocks we can run into while witnessing?  What message are we supposed to be sharing?  Are there duties beyond witnessing once someone has accepted Jesus as their personal Savior?  Carrying out this Great Commission comes with a promise.  

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The Winning Witness’ Type

Bible Audio Blog

      19800914 Winning Witnesses - The Witness' Type - Rev. Tommy Jones


Let’s begin an eight week series of lessons on being a #winning #witness.  No one can be a witness to what they have not experienced themselves.  So, of necessity these messages are directed to believers about how to share the Gospel with their non-believing friends.  Who is our best example or type of a perfect witness?  Of course, Jesus was chosen by God, but are we?  How do we know that witnessing is not just the responsibility of preachers and missionaries?  Did Jesus depend only on Himself to be a winning witness or did He get help from the Father?  What part does judgement play in this process?  Is there also Grace involved?  Was Christ witnessing in a free and open environment?  What can we learn about His approach to the lost?  Did Jesus win over everybody?  And yet the Bible declares Him victorious.  

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