Christ Is The Answer – A Passage That Punctures Pride

Bible Audio Blog
      20000813 Christ Is The Answer - A Passage That Punctures Pride - Rev. Tommy Jones


#Pride is everywhere today, celebrated by the World.  But what does the #Bible say about pride?  Pride was the original sin.  Have we learned our lesson yet?  How can we puncture pride by looking at ourselves in the mirror of the Word?  How self confident should we be of gifts we have received from God?  What is it about pride that makes us slow down before the race is over?  We love to compare ourselves to others, but rarely do we compare ourselves to the apostles.  Listen for a special note on political correctness.  What are we willing to put aside for the Kingdom of God?  One more test of pride is how do you retaliate when wronged?

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His Internal Ministry – The Pertinence Of The Holy Spirit – Giving Work Gifts

Bible Audio Blog

What is an #apostle?  Were they just the hand picked followers of #Christ or is the #HolySpirit still enabling Believers with the work gift of apostleship today?  I personally have a friend who has the work gift of craftsmanship.  

Brother Tommy next details the work gift of faith and how it differs from saving Faith.  What about the gift of giving?  Is it only for the well off individual?  What is it about the gifts of healing that makes us unsettled?  Does God always want someone healed?  What do we need to know about the gift of leadership?  How about mercy?  Are there still miracles being performed?  Which gift refers to feeding and caring for the flock?  And finally, similar to pastoring but standing on its own is serving.  What is the reward for using these gifts properly?

For more information, click on the Gift link on the front page of