#Fire consumes!  Just look at what took place in #Paradise, California.  Here in the heart of Georgia we have had #turbulence, #wind, #rain, and now #freezing temperatures which require so heat even in the south.  Wouldn’t you know my furnace quit on me.  I had to wait three days without heat during 20 degrees nights for a part to be delivered to the repairman.  Just so happened to have  a wood pile under the deck, but it was wet from all our rain.  Inside I had several dry logs which worked to get the fireplace started.  I had forgotten how much you have to tend to a fire to keep it going.  When I put those wet logs on the hot embers they really smoked; however, after awhile they still put out heat.  My son-in-law brought over a load of fresh cut wood and filled the wood storage for me – true blessing.  One forgets how awesome the warmth and beauty of a glowing fire can be.  When the wood is not prepared and cured then you get smoke in your eyes and a mess that your constantly adjusting.   All this took me to God’s Word and reminded me of the warmth and inner glow which He imparts to all those He indwells.  “Yet, once more, signifying the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain.   We receive a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve GOD acceptably with reverence and godly fear: FOR OUR GOD IS A CONSUMING FIRE”  Hebrews 12:27-29     May GOD consume our lives by removing the dross (sin) thereby leaving us with His beautiful warming glow that can radiate to others.   

His Internal Ministry – The Pertinence Of The Holy Spirit – Filling Followers

Bible Audio Blog

The whole world is #divided.  We see it all day every day at #work, at #school, and in the #news.  It is solidly divided between Believers and non-believers.  But, did you know that Christians are also divided between those that are filled with the Spirit and those who are not?  What is a carnal Christian and how can you avoid being one?  Is the Spirit filled Christian life just for a chosen few?  Why should we be filled?  How do we get filled?  What are some misconceptions that we have about the Holy Spirit?  How is the Spirit filling us similar but better than being intoxicated?  What are five results that every Believer can expect from being filled with the Holy Spirit?  Are you truly thirsty?  What is the difference between a vessel and a channel?  

For more information, click on the Gift link on the front page of

Christmas Wish


We detect #odors all around us.  Some stores not only have #perfumes inside but spray their classic #scent outside to entice buyers to come inside. They give away small samples which they hope will make you want that aroma.  I hate to tell you, but many of these artificial substances make me sneeze, whiz, and produce a whopper of a headache.  Ever been there?  I remember a family friend from my childhood would come through the door and give me a hug.  I would hold my breath, because she reeked with garlic – it was on her breath, pores, and clothes.  I was very aware of her presence.  Dogs can sniff out a person’s trail by their noses for we all have a distinct chemistry.  Have you ever contemplated that we have an odor to God?  11Corth.2:14-17 “Now thanks be unto GOD, who always causes us to TRIUMPH in CHRIST, and make MANIFEST the SAVOUR OF HIS KNOWLEDGE BY US IN EVERY PLACE.  FOR WE ARE UNTO GOD A SWEET SAVOUR OF CHRIST in them that are saved and and them that perish; to the one we are the savour of death unto death; and to the other the savour of life unto life.  Who is sufficient for these things:  For we are not as many which corrupt the word of God; but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ.”  May we choose to follow the real true words of God and ask to be surrounded with the sweet savour of the blood of the LAMB Jesus Christ covering our sins with purification!  Original ionization.!..

His Internal Ministry – The Pertinence Of The Holy Spirit – Blessing Believers

Bible Audio Blog

      19750209 His Internal Ministry - The Pertinence Of The Holy Spirit - Blessing Believers - Rev. Tommy Jones


Pertinent means #important and #applicable and Brother Tommy is about to take us through all the important and applicable ministries of the #HolySpirit.  What are the seven ways the Holy Spirit is blessing believers?  How can a non-believer get a new birth?  How does a new believer get the power to do God’s will and work?  What are the four common elements of any baptism?  When does a believer receive the Holy Spirit?  What gives a believer security in their salvation?  How does the Spirit sanctify the believer’s life?  How does He invigorate our life?  How do we get filled with the Spirit as opposed to having the Spirit?  How do we produce the fruits talked about in the Bible?  How do the fruits differ from the gifts?  How does He provide guidance to believers?  Can we still be anointed?  What is a steadfast life and how can we obtain it?


For more information, click on the Gift link on the front page of


from Barbara's Bible

Were you carefully #taught?  As a young child, I was taught to obey the #laws of #God and #Country!  I was not exempt from keeping the laws just because I was a child and a girl.. The rules of the road applied to me as I rode my bicycle to school.  My how times change.  Everyone seems to have their own cause today so they have a lawyer who will enable them to get away with whatever scheme that pleased them for that moment.  And so it goes…$$$pay to play.  As I watch the news, I observe individuals who think the laws do not apply to them for one reason or another.  Lawlessness is ramphant!  I see stealing, murder, fraud, sexual assault, identity theft, and gang violence all portrayed within minutes on line.  Who made the law anyway?  The Bible gives us truth and teaches us in God’s Word if we will listen.  Ps.119:65-80  “O LORD, according to thy word TEACH ME GOOD JUDGEMENT and knowledge: for I have believed thy commandments…68.Thou are good and do good: TEACH ME THY STATUTES.  69.The proud have forged against me, but I will keep thy precepts with my whole heart.  70.Their heart is fat as grease, but I delight in thy law….78.Let the proud me ashamed..80.Let my heart be sound in thy statutes; that I be not ashamed.”  May God open my eyes to lawlessness and may MY LORD AND SAVIOUR continue to TEACH ME …..How about You?  Will you let the LIVING GOD TEACH YOU?

His Internal Ministry- The Performance of the Holy Spirit in Impartation, Initiation, and Implementation

Bible Audio Blog

      19750202 His Internal Ministry - The Performance Of The Holy Spirit - In Impartation, Initiation, and Implementation - Rev. Tommy Jones


Let’s talk about #Pentecost.  How did it happen?  When did it happen?  What happened?  Has it ever been repeated?  Is there a difference between the event repeating and the experience being repeated?  Is the Holy Spirit imparted to all believers equally?  What was the significance of the signs of wind, fire, and tongues that accompanied the initiation of the Holy Spirit’s ministry on Earth?  How was the Church born the day the Holy Spirit came down?  What does that mean for the governance and guidance of the Church?  All this power that was given to believers was meant to be implemented to witness.  What proves that witnessing in our own strength is fruitless?  


For more information, click on the Gift link on the front page of