The Joy of Jesus – Sufficiency – Supplies For Sharing – On A Heavenly Level

Bible Audio Blog
      20060625 Joy Of Jesus - Serenity In Your Contemplation - Supplies For Sharing - On A Heavenly Level - Rev. Tommy Jones


#Want and #need, do you know the difference?  If you put the wrong emphasis on verses like this you wind up with what is called a #prosperityGospel.  Like we talked about last week, the motive matters.  We don’t give to receive, we give to honor God and as a result we receive all our needs.  Have you ever prayed to God for a thing you thought you needed only to realize later that it was really a want?  Are all of our needs good things?  Do we sometimes need correction?  What does it mean when the Bible says ‘according to His riches in glory?’  Well, I haven’t met or heard of a rich man yet who can afford to create a planet full of biodiversity much less a universe.  Oh and don’t forget the qualifier at the end that Paul loves to use – in Christ.

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The Joy of Jesus – Triumphant Serving – As Expressed – By Readiness To Go

Bible Audio Blog
      20050911 Triumphant Serving - As Experienced - By Readiness To Go - Rev. Tommy Jones


If you are under #quarantine or #lockdown right now, you are probably ready to go.  But, if you are a follower of Christ, how should you go?  Take the example of Timothy in Philippians and use it as a model.  Ask yourself if you are doing God’s will.  Are you ready to go despite the cost?  Are you living for Christ or yourself?  How should we emulate the working relationship between Paul and Timothy?  How do you handle the ‘wait and see’ time?  

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The Joy of Jesus – Available For Calculation – Matter of Profit and Loss – When Loss Becomes Profit 1

Bible Audio Blog
      20051023 Joy Of Jesus - Available For Calculation - Matter Of Profit & Loss - When Loss Becomes Profit 1 - Rev. Tommy Jones


Are you in #quarantine or #selfisolation?  There’s plenty of archived messages on our website to keep you busy for some time.  Today, we hear part one of Paul’s letter to the Philippians about profit or gain from his jail cell.  Talk about isolated.  Last week, we heard about all the things Paul did to be righteous counted for nothing and became a loss.  What did he find that was and for us is profitable?  Have you lost anything to gain knowledge of Jesus Christ?  Is there anything in your life that you would not lose to get more knowledge of the Lord and Savior?  Guess what that’s called?  An idol.  What kind of robe can we receive by trading in our fig leaf?  How deep can our knowledge of Christ become?  What are we to do with that knowledge once we’ve received it?  What can we gain by rearranging our priorities this way?

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The Joy of Jesus – Triumphant Serving – As Exemplified – Through Humiliation

Bible Audio Blog
      20050807 Triumphant Serving - As Exemplified - Through Humiliation - Rev. Tommy Jones


Have you ever had a #boss who would stop what they were doing to accomplish one of the many things they asked you to do?  It is at first, embarrassing.  But, then you catch on to what their priorities are.  And, if you are wise, you make it your priority.  How much more so, should we copy Jesus Christ, being God and coming down to our level and showing us what to do?  Those of us who are in Christ, should constantly strive to be more like our Lord and Savior.  That means humbling ourselves and serving others.  Where and who was Jesus before He came here?  Why and how did Christ come down to us?  Jesus Christ was perfectly obedient His whole life.  To where did that obedience lead?  

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The Joy of Jesus – Triumphant Suffering – Of An External Nature – Pointed Toward Proclamation

Bible Audio Blog
      20050710 Triumphant Suffering - Of An External Nature - Pointed Toward Proclamation - Rev. Tommy Jones


PSA – Don’t forget #Valentine’sDay is coming up to avoid unnecessary external suffering.  But seriously, why is there so much #suffering in this world?  If suffering is the result of a fallen world, why do Christians suffer?  How does Christian suffering help to spread the Gospel?  What’s wrong with the phrase, ‘under the circumstances’?  Did Paul’s jailing help or hinder the spread of the Gospel?  Where would we be without some of his jailhouse epistles?  How did he view his jailers, as oppressors or opportunities? Is courage contagious just like fear?  What did Paul say about preachers of his day that taught about Jesus plus something else?  Do we have people around us today like that?  How can we rejoice about suffering? 

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A Larger View of Christmas

Bible Audio Blog
      19861214 A Larger View of Christmas - Rev. Tommy Jones


What does #Christmas mean to you?  Maybe it brings to mind #CandyCanes, #SantaClaus, #ChristmasTrees, and #presents.  Is there any room in there for #Jesus Christ?  Having been in retail for most of my career, I can tell you that if you don’t slow down a little bit during this season you can miss the miracle.  Was Jesus’ birth a surprise?  Was it a last minute attempt to save mankind?  Is the prophecy about Jesus complete?  Why was Jesus not born into a palace?  What was the practice of kinsman redeemer?  Did we exist before birth, will we exist after death?  How is this different from / similar to Jesus Christ?  Why did Jesus need to come down at all?

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Dead Priests

Bible Audio Blog
      19840429pm Dead Priests - Rev. Tommy Jones


What book of the Bible calls #Jesus, not only a priest, but the #HighPriest?  Why is that important?  Why don’t most Christian churches have a priest?  How does Christ differ from and surpass the priests of the past?  What were the qualifications for the Jewish priesthood?  What was the original purpose of this position and its activities?  What was pictured by this system?  By the way, did you ever wonder how Old Testament Godly men and women were saved before Jesus was even born?

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The Magnetism of Jesus

Bible Audio Blog
      19830731 The Magnetism Of Jesus - Rev. Tommy Jones


What or who can make us see beyond #self?  #Jesus made startling claims while He was here on Earth.  How could He back up all of theses statements?  Did His followers impress people?  Did His geographical location make anybody pay attention?  Was a long life something to which He could look forward?  Without His death and resurrection there would have been no consequence to His ministry and no forgiveness of sin.  What did Jesus mean when He said that He would draw all men to Himself?

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