Basic Biblical Beliefs – God’s Plan For All Of His Children

Bible Audio Blog
      19980906 Basic Biblical Beliefs - God's Plan For All His Children - Rev. Tommy Jones


Have you ever heard anyone say that we are all God’s #children?  Well, the Bible reserves that term for those that believe in the Lord, #Jesus Christ, as their Savior.   God has some very personal and specific details He wants to bring about in your life.  But, there are some things common to all Believers that we know He wants for us.  How would you like the hotline number to the Creator and Ruler of the Universe?  Would you also like to reduce your desire to do bad things?  How about for other people to say that you stand out for the things you are doing?  What is God’s part in these changes and our part?  Do you want to get to heaven and be the runt of the litter?

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Basic Biblical Beliefs – This Is My Father’s World

Bible Audio Blog
      19980426 Basic Biblical Beliefs - This Is My Father's World - Rev. Tommy Jones


I heard a scientific commentator the other day say that if any of the constants we have discovered in the #universe like #gravity, the speed of #light, our #orbit around the sun, etc. were off by a decimal point, #life would not exist.  And yet, some people still doubt the existence of a #Creator.  God asked Job, where were you when I set these things in place.  Because this is my Father’s world.  How does His Word, the Bible, start off in the very first sentence?  What are some of the dangers involved in the alternative views of the origin of our world?  Was our universe designed with wisdom or a random process?  Ray Comfort says, “the building is proof of the builder, the painting is proof of the painter, and Creation is proof of the Creator.”  Why are we here?  Why does the Bible say God created this universe?  Did He know what would happen?  What was His plan from the beginning for our salvation?

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Basic Biblical Beliefs – Our God Is More Than Adequate

Bible Audio Blog
      19980322 Basic Biblical Beliefs - Our God Is More Than Adequate - Rev. Tommy Jones


“You can’t face an #adult sized world with a #child sized #God.”  Is your God big enough?  How is the one true God always present?  How does this idea differ from #pantheism or #newage teachings?  What is the extent of the knowledge of God?  How are we going to discover anything that God doesn’t know when He created it?  If God knows everything in advance, do we still have free will?  How powerful would such a being have to be?  Power is the ability to accomplish purpose and as such God can do anything consistent with His nature.  What does that tell us about who will prevail?

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Christ Is The Answer – To Find & Fill Your Proper Place

Bible Audio Blog
      20000806 Christ Is The Answer - To Find & Fill Your Proper Place - Rev. Tommy Jones


What are we here for?  Many today find life #meaningless, #purposeless, or even downright #depressing.  #Christ is the answer.  In the body of Christ, the church, we can find acceptance and belonging.  But what happens when believers don’t take their proper place?  Paul told the Corinthians how to rectify this situation.  What part does humility play?  Less of me means more of Jesus.  What is a steward?  Management can be a draining job when there is a difficult boss or a rogue manager, but when there is a good boss or owner and the managers are aligned, the task becomes fulfilling even enjoyable.  Judgment is reserved for whom?  Paul put little weight in the judgment of others of him and none in his own judgment of himself.  Whose judgment really matters?  Will every Christian receive praise in the end?

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Mosaics Of The Master – Christ The Secret of Life – Demonstrated By A Sign

Bible Audio Blog
      20060820 Mosaics Of The Master - Christ The Secret Of Life - Demonstrated By A Sign - Rev. Tommy Jones


I’ve got a #secret.  It is the secret to #life and #death.  But unlike other secrets and #conspiracies, it is a 2000 year old secret that does not depend on your membership in a #club or #class to be in the know.  Instead, it depends on you opening your eyes and ears.  Why would a well to do man travel long distances when he had a sick child at home?  How did he approach Jesus?  What is the purpose of suffering?  What lasts longer you or your troubles?  Many people ask God for a sign, but what did Jesus say to this man seeking a miracle?  ‘Believing is seeing’ will get you into trouble when it comes to human activity, but it is required with God.  How can putting Faith into action lead to confirmation?

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Mosaics Of The Master – Christ The Secret of Life – Demonstrated By A Sign

Bible Audio Blog
      20060820 Mosaics Of The Master - Christ The Secret Of Life - Demonstrated By A Sign - Rev. Tommy Jones


If you have lived long enough, you have probably noticed that #suffering touches every one of us.  Why does #God allow it?  Can something good come out of suffering?  How does the Bible say we should handle these situations?  Where are we supposed to turn?  In this story, Jesus cautions us against a faith based on signs and miracles.  And yet, the man’s faith was rewarded with the healing of his son for the glory of God.  What was more significant, the healing of the son or the salvation of the man’s whole household?

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The Joy of Jesus – Serenity In Your Contemplation – Ground For Greeting – In The Present

Bible Audio Blog
      20060702 Joy Of Jesus - Serenity In Your Contemplation - Grounds For Greeting - In The Present - Rev. Tommy Jones


Have you ever heard of the #Doxology?  Praise #God from whom all #blessings flow!  Last time, we learned that God provides all His children’s needs.  This week we hear what our proper response should be.  It even ties back to Paul’s theme in Philippians about the Joy of Jesus. Joy in our lives comes from knowing our purpose.  Why are we here if not to glorify God?  Have you ever tried counting your blessings when you are feeling down?  It helps and you should take it further and thank the one who gave you those blessings.  How do we glorify God?  Does all the glory belong to God?  Why is it important to practice giving glory to God now?

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