Basic Biblical Beliefs – God’s Plan For All Of His Children

Bible Audio Blog
      19980906 Basic Biblical Beliefs - God's Plan For All His Children - Rev. Tommy Jones


Have you ever heard anyone say that we are all God’s #children?  Well, the Bible reserves that term for those that believe in the Lord, #Jesus Christ, as their Savior.   God has some very personal and specific details He wants to bring about in your life.  But, there are some things common to all Believers that we know He wants for us.  How would you like the hotline number to the Creator and Ruler of the Universe?  Would you also like to reduce your desire to do bad things?  How about for other people to say that you stand out for the things you are doing?  What is God’s part in these changes and our part?  Do you want to get to heaven and be the runt of the litter?

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A Religion of Remnants

Bible Audio Blog
      20001112 A Religion Of Remnants - Rev. Tommy Jones


This week, we are going to look at our #worship.  Who do we worship? Is it worthy worship?  Do we worship #creation rather than the #creator?  The Bible says that where we spend our time and money that is where our heart lies.  When we do recognize God with our time and money, are we giving our best or the remnants?  What is the biblical principle of first fruits?  

We are taking a 6 week break from our Christ is the Answer series until the new year.  

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Mosaics Of The Master – Christ The Source of Life – Delineated By A Saying

Bible Audio Blog
      20060813 Mosaics Of The Master - Christ The Source Of Life - Delineated By A Saying - Rev. Tommy Jones


Last week, we heard how #Jesus showed He was the source of #life.  This week, we hear what He said to clarify that He is that source.  Jesus and His disciples were surrounded by agriculture and one of the biggest crops and even their national symbol had something in common.  All through the Old Testament the nation of Israel was referred to as a grape vine and not always in a positive way.  But Christ said that He is the true vine.  In what ways is Jesus Christ the vine that is true and perfect?  If Jesus is the vine, who are the branches?  Why is that important?  What happens to a branch apart from the vine?  Once the branch is attached to the vine, how does it produce fruit?  What kind of fruit would you reasonably expect from a grape vine?  What kind of fruit does the Bible say we can expect from our vine?

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Mosaics Of The Master – Christ The Source of Life – Demonstrated By A Sign

Bible Audio Blog
      20060806 Mosaics Of The Master - Christ The Source Of Life - Demonstrated By A Sign - Rev. Tommy Jones


Did you know #Christ is not #Jesus’ last name?  It is his title and it means #Messiah and #Savior.  The first ‘I am’ that Jesus demonstrated was ‘I am the vine.’  He showed this with His first miracle at the wedding in Canaa.  Why would Mary ask her son to fix the problem that occurred?  Is there any importance that this happened at a wedding?  What is the significance of the elements of this miracle?  What happens to fruit that is not on the vine?  How did this miracle embody the Gospel principles of ’trust and obey?’  Why did they have big quantities of water sitting around?  What was said about the quality of the wine Jesus produced by this miracle?  Were Christ’s miracles tricks or did they have another purpose?  

As I sit here summarizing the message for you, I am bothered by a bird fighting his own reflection on my glass window.  It reminds me that the World right now is in turmoil.  I am made in God’s image and so is my neighbor.  When I fight with my neighbor, I am therefore fighting my own reflection.  The Devil wants us to believe our enemy is our neighbor, but we are actually in a spiritual battle.  The Bible says that we struggle not against flesh and blood but against powers and principalities.  

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Holy Spirit as Tree

Bible Audio Blog
      19840422pm Holy Spirit As Tree - Rev. Tommy Jones


What does a #tree represent to you?  Trees are mentioned throughout the Bible.  They give #shade, #fruit, #wood for construction and even life giving oxygen.  There is even a whole industry dedicated to making fake trees.  Have you ever seen a tree that produces nine different fruits?  What kind of love does the Holy Spirit produce in believers?  Why is it important that love is the first fruit mentioned?  How does the Holy Spirit use this love to produce peace?  What other fruits does He produce in believers?  How can you become a believer and plant this type of tree?  And how do you tend to this tree once you have planted it?

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Serve One Another

Bible Audio Blog
      19831030pm Serve One Another - Rev. Tommy Jones


What is wrong with looking out for #1?  Where does serving #self first get us?  What does serving others have to do with #freedom in #Christ?  Does freedom in Christ mean freedom to sin?  What does freedom have to do with servitude?  What should this service look like and what should it not look like?  Listen to the list of things that happen when people live selfishly and ask yourself if you don’t see more of that every year?  Now, listen to the list of the Fruit of the Spirit and ask yourself if you have them?  These grow by following Jesus and serving others in love.

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