His Internal Ministry- The Pertinence of the Holy Spirit – Growing Inward Graces

Bible Audio Blog
      19750223 His Internal Ministry - The Pertinence Of The Holy Spirit - Growing Inward Graces - Rev. Tommy Jones


What is the difference between #gifts of the Spirit and #graces or #fruit of the Spirit?  And why is it fruit and not fruits?  What do the first three graces have in common in terms of character?  Why does Paul list off a laundry list of obnoxious works of the flesh right before he lists off the fruit of the Spirit?  What is counterfeit fruit and from where does it come?  Ahh, love – who doesn’t want that?  What is its opposite work of the flesh?  How does Satan confuse us with its counterfeit?  What does the real fruit look like?  What about joy and peace?

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Holy Spirit as Tree

Bible Audio Blog
      19840422pm Holy Spirit As Tree - Rev. Tommy Jones


What does a #tree represent to you?  Trees are mentioned throughout the Bible.  They give #shade, #fruit, #wood for construction and even life giving oxygen.  There is even a whole industry dedicated to making fake trees.  Have you ever seen a tree that produces nine different fruits?  What kind of love does the Holy Spirit produce in believers?  Why is it important that love is the first fruit mentioned?  How does the Holy Spirit use this love to produce peace?  What other fruits does He produce in believers?  How can you become a believer and plant this type of tree?  And how do you tend to this tree once you have planted it?

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Bear with One Another

Bible Audio Blog
      19831106am Bear With One Another - Rev. Tommy Jones


If you are like me you enjoy interacting with #people, but on an individual basis it sometimes is more difficult.  This message is the first of two #bear messages, delivered incidentally by a man whose nickname was Bear.  Remember these ‘one another’ lessons were directed at Christ followers to tell us how to deal with other Christians.  What does it mean to bear with others?  Do we overlook every flaw or wrong action?  How should we approach others?  What exactly is meekness?  What does patience have to do with this concept of bearing with one another?  Where is a good place to practice this skill?  Is love a feeling or an action?  Who is our example of forgiveness?  Is bearing with one another natural or do we have to work at it?

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Serve One Another

Bible Audio Blog
      19831030pm Serve One Another - Rev. Tommy Jones


What is wrong with looking out for #1?  Where does serving #self first get us?  What does serving others have to do with #freedom in #Christ?  Does freedom in Christ mean freedom to sin?  What does freedom have to do with servitude?  What should this service look like and what should it not look like?  Listen to the list of things that happen when people live selfishly and ask yourself if you don’t see more of that every year?  Now, listen to the list of the Fruit of the Spirit and ask yourself if you have them?  These grow by following Jesus and serving others in love.

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Encourage One Another

Bible Audio Blog
      19831016am Encourage One Another - Rev. Tommy Jones


When was the last time someone #encouraged you?  I got some encouragement today from visitors to our connect group.  I was taken aback. Usually visitors sit back and soak everything in before they join, but this Christian couple took an opportunity when prompted by the Holy Spirit to give a lift to a fellow Christ follower.  Do we all need encouragement?  How about the unsaved?  How can this help our unbelief?  What form does Godly encouragement take?  What is the difference between God’s encouragement and the World’s?  When was the last time you encouraged someone else?

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What’s That Roar?

Bible Audio Blog
      19841223pm What's That Roar - Rev. Tommy Jones


Have you ever heard a #lion #roar?  I don’t mean an #imitation on tv or the computer.  I mean #live and in person.  It is powerful and you can feel it shake your whole body.  What can we learn about God from this amazing story about Amos?  Where does this roar come from?  Why is the roar being heard?  Is it a lack of church attendance or sacrificial giving or is it something more basic like turning their backs on God and treating others poorly?  Do you remember what Jesus said the two most important commandments are?  Does God judge the actions of men or the motivation?  How many of these sins being committed by these ancient nations can we see being done today?  How do we put human tradition ahead of divine instruction?  What is the only way to flee from God?

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Fruit of the Spirit

Bible Audio Blog
      19870830 Fruit Of The Spirit - Rev. Tommy Jones


What makes a #Christian different from the rest of the World?  They bear #fruit.  Interestingly, my pastor at #BiltmoreChurch touched on this today when he said that it is the fruit of the Spirit, not the fruits of the Spirit.  His point was that Christians should have all of these characteristics not just a few (Brother Tommy makes this point as well).  Is #Love for others easy and natural or an act of will?  How do we get joy?  The whole world wants peace, and yet Christ has given it to His followers as a gift.  What is meant by long-suffering?  Is gentleness something we could use more of today?  Does goodness come from God our ourselves?  Faith produces what?  Is faith dependent on circumstances or situations?  How has meekness gotten a bad rap?  Was Jesus meek?  How about Moses?  Temperance or self control is not en vogue right now, but should it be?

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Ethics Regarding Situation

Bible Audio Blog
      19800604 ROR - As Encouragement To Ethics - Topical Considerations - Regarding Situation - Rev. Tommy Jones


How are our #ethics shaped by the situation in which we find ourselves?  Should each situation have an effect on our ethics?  What are the purposes of situational ethics?  What are the dangers?  What is the ‘Pure Principle of Love?’  Did Jesus ever set aside the law in favor of a person?  Did Christ come to destroy the law or fulfill it?  What is wrong with a theory based on the exception rather than the rule?  What happens when there are no absolutes?  I would like to remind you that this message was delivered in 1980 and it is more true today than when it was first delivered.

Next week we will start to look at what the Bible says about tangible ethics of an honorable nature.

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