The Joy of Jesus – Triumphant Serving – As Experienced – Consistently

Bible Audio Blog
      20050904 Triumphant Serving - As Experienced - Consistently - Rev. Tommy Jones


What does the Bible say about how Christ followers are to respond in times of #crisis, like right now with the spreading of #Covid19?  Do we wallow and murmur or are we still supposed to be joyful?  How can we accomplish that?  The first step has to do with our tongue or words.  Step two is about refining of what?  Steps one and two are crucial to step three, which is challenging the culture.  What then are we to dispel?  And whom should we spotlight?  These steps are the how but what is the why?  Jesus, Others, Yourself

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His Infernal Ministry- The Peril of the Unholy Spirit – The Saints’ Distinction

Bible Audio Blog

The devil’s first #defense is to convince us that he doesn’t #exist.  When that #fails, he tries to convince us of numerous #lies about his #power and #strength.  If that too fails, he tries to tell us lies about our selves.  But, a Believer’s distinction comes from knowing that Satan is already defeated.  What does the Bible say about who has the ultimate authority?  Why was Satan’s biggest mistake nailing Jesus to the cross?  How does that same authority get passed on to the saints?  What tools has God given us to wield this authority?  What happens when a Believer uses these tools?   

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His Internal Ministry- The Pertinence of the Holy Spirit – Giving Worthy Gifts

Bible Audio Blog

Unlike the #fruit of the #Spirit, which all #Believers get in full, the #gifts of the Spirit are given individually to Believers at the Lord’s discretion.  What are the dangers of over or under emphasizing the gifts of the Holy Spirit?  What does the presence of the Holy Spirit indicate about the status of a Christian?  Does everyone who puts the Lord in charge of their life receive at least one of these worthy gifts?  Why does Paul say that he doesn’t want us to be ignorant about these things?  Who decides what gift we receive?  Who decides when and where it will be used?  And who gives that gift power?  Who receives a gift and who is supposed to benefit from it?  Estimates of the different gifts vary but, Brother Tommy believed there were twenty and he broke that down further into ten work gifts and ten word gifts which we will cover in the next two weeks (Lord willing).  How do these gifts compare to natural abilities?  Why should we not compare our gifts with those of others?  How can we discover our gift and increase it?  Why does the love chapter appear right in the middle of the discussion of gifts?

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Daily Devotion Discipline Finish

Bible Audio Blog

      19790110 Daily Devotion Discipline Finish - Rev. Tommy Jones


How can we #blend #Bible study and #prayer?  When should we pray during our Bible study?  With the exception of Jesus Christ, every person we read about in the Bible had flaws in addition to whatever virtue they may present.  Pastor Bruce at my church, says that there aren’t many people that God used in the Bible that could pass a background check to work in our children’s ministry.  How can we use this information in our prayers?  Are there any promises in the passage you are reading that you can claim?  Are there any conditions to that promise?  Is there an assurance that accompanies the commands we encounter from God while reading His Word?  How can we deal with distraction while studying?  How do we prevent a one way conversation with the Lord?  What posture is best for praying?  What three books assist with a daily devotional?  Do you use a prayer list?  


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How To Grow

Bible Audio Blog

      19861102 How To Grow - Rev. Tommy Jones


Physical #growth occurs naturally in living things, but how about #spiritual growth?  Do we have a choice in our original or first birth?  How about the second?  How does this second birth compare to the first?  What are the impediments to growth after this second birth?  Remove of obstacles is not all we have to do for growth, we also need food.  What kind of food does it take to grow spiritually?

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“In the #BEGINNING  WAS  THE #WORD, and the Word was with #God, and the WORD WAS GOD…All things were made by Him…In Him was life…The WORD was made flesh, and dwelt among us (we beheld His glory, the glory of the only begotten of the Father) full of GRACE and TRUTH…..  He was in the world and world was made by Him, and the world would not recognize Him.  He came unto His own, and His own did not received Him, but as many as receive Him to them He gives power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name”  John 1:1-14   My words are inadequate, but God’s WORD is INVINCIBLE.