Liberty In Law – Law of Legacy – Preservation of Priority

Bible Audio Blog
      20050220 Liberty In Law - Law Of Legacy - Preservation Of Priority - Rev. Tommy Jones


Far from being #outdated, the #10commandments are the underpinnings of current #society.  Eight of the ten commandments contain a negative statement about what not to do.  But, each one actually carries both a positive and a negative.  What is involved in having no other god before the one true God?  Have most atheists come to a well studied intellectual conclusion that there is no God or is there another reason why people embrace that mindset?  Is it only alternative religions that we are being warned about in this first commandment?   What, if any, is the difference between Lord and God?  How highly revered was the name Jehovah by the Jewish people and priests?  What can we learn from what God says about Himself?  What does the name Emmanuel tell us about His plan to save us from the law?  How did the plagues destroy the false gods of Egypt?  Are there parallels between us and the wandering Israelites?  Who or what do we worship before God today?  Are we serving self or God?

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Christ Is The Answer – Reverence In Worship

Bible Audio Blog
      20010107 Christ Is The Answer - Reverence In Worship - Rev. Tommy Jones


When Paul wrote Corinthians was he being a #mysogynist?  Do you think it was easier for the men to hear that they were to submit to #God in everything?  Consider the atmosphere in Corinth at the time.  How were the prostitutes recognized at that time?  Many people seize on the headship of man over woman in this passage but there are three headships mentioned here.  What happens to the image of God when we fail to recognize His headship?  Did Christ recognize God’s authority over Him even though He was part of the Trinity?  What is the difference between reverence and practice when it comes to this message of purity?  How are men cautioned about authority?  Reverential worship requires inward purity and outward modesty to participate.

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Christ Is The Answer – The Discipline of Dedication

Bible Audio Blog
      20001029 Christ Is The Answer - The Discipline Of Dedication - Rev. Tommy Jones


What should a #Christian do about personal #behavior that they have #questions about but is not explicitly denounced in the #Bible?  Are we willing to set certain activities aside for the glory of God and the good of others?  God offers us guidance, deliverance, assurance, and sustenance.  How are these provisions meant to offset the temptations we face?  What examples can we see in the wandering Israelites that parallel the struggles we face?  What is the danger of believing that we are in good standing?  1 Corinthians 10:13 is the ultimate verse to help us with temptation.   

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Christ Is The Answer – The Believer’s Body

Bible Audio Blog
      20000910 Christ Is The Answer - The Believer's Body - Rev. Tommy Jones


#MyBodyMyChoice is a much quoted phrase right now.  Is that true according to the #Bible for #Christians?  The Corinthians were surrounded by a culture that said sexual immorality was of no consequence.  Sound familiar?  What does Christian liberty mean?  Are there any limits and what are they?  Should we consider the effect on others?  Will certain actions turn into deadly habits?  Why does Paul bring food into this discussion?   Everything was created for God’s glory including our bodies.  If we are grafted into the body of Christ as Believers, what happens when we give in to sexual immorality?  Many are horrified when a church is defiled but where does Paul say the temple of God is?  How can we avoid sexual sin?  Paul ends on a positive note exhorting us to use our bodies to glorify God.

We are grieving for the loss of a mother, sister, and a daughter who was also a cofounder of this site, Jeanetta Jones Daniel.  But, we know by her love that she was a Believer in Jesus Christ and that she is in a much better place with the Lord now.  

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Biblical Basis for Missions – The Christ

Bible Audio Blog

Missions without #Jesus Christ is just #SocialWork.  Social work may be well intentioned, but at best it is only a temporary fix to an infinite problem.  The #World waited a long time for the #Savior.  Why do we need a savior?  Did He have to be both God and man?  Is there any more to the mission message than Jesus?  What lessons did Christ teach us about God?  Jesus taught us about the worth of each individual as well as our inherited propensity to sin and our need to be saved from it.  He also talked a lot about the Kingdom of God.  Are there boundaries to this kingdom?  Was the Savior’s mission to serve or to be served?  Jesus Christ is our example, so what then should our mission be?

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Walk in Love

Bible Audio Blog

Last week, we learned how to #walk in the #light.  This week, we are learning to walk in #love.  When #Jesus was asked what the greatest #commandment is, His answer was about loving God and loving others.  Where does love originate?  How does it differ from our idea of love?  Does Godly love require reciprocity?  If we both go for a walk and travel the same distance, will we end up at the same place?  Only if we start on the same path from the same point.  What proof do we have of God’s love toward us before we even acknowledge Him?  How can we possibly emulate that toward others?  What are the benefits of getting this right?  Truly walking this way tells us what about our standing with God?  

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Christmas Light

His Internal Ministry – The Person of the Holy Spirit

Bible Audio Blog

      19741110 His Internal Ministry - The Person Of The Holy Spirit - Rev. Tommy Jones


Today, we have the introduction of a series of messages on the #HolySpirit.  John 14 teaches us that we need to know about all 3 persons of the one true #God.  You may know God the Father and you may have accepted Jesus Christ the Son as your Lord and Savior, but do you know the person of the Holy Spirit.  Without God’s Word, the Bible, it is improbable that you will strike the right balance.  What harm is there in over or under emphasizing the Holy Spirit?  What does it mean to be filled with the Spirit and to speak the Word with boldness?  The next 12 messages are meant to enlighten and strengthen your Christian walk.  Who is the Holy Spirit and what is His relationship with the Father and the Son?  What capacities does the Bible tell us of His personality?  Was He there at the Creation, how about the baptism of Jesus Christ?  Is He a power or a person?  Is He diety?  Have you ever heard Him referred to as the Holy Ghost?  Why is that an incorrect translation?  Why doesn’t He have a more proper name like God or Jesus?  What are seven pictures given to us of the Holy Spirit?  What are His duties?  


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